Hello; This is the first
posting I’ve ever made through this website. I found a link to this group when I was looking for information on the
Cook Islands.
If you don’t want to rely, no worries. I just want to know if anyone has experienced what I did.
In the mid 90’s I spent 3 weeks in Rarotonga. It was in February and the temps. never were below 105 degrees!
Brutal! The islanders were fantastic & even though it was very hot, I enjoyed it. The day I was suppose to fly out I went snorkeling and later on in the early evening I became violently ill! I had vomiting, shakiness, sweats, cramps, and could not walk due to my body bent over in cramps. The
hotel mgr. took me to the hospital where I was given a couple of shots & told to get me home ASAP. I have never been so sick.
I returned home feeling very bad but better than the onset.
However, one morning I went to get up & rolled over to do so & I had terrible dizziness. Eventually I got a bit better.
Now, 20 years later I’m still dealing with dizziness. It comes & goes. I have been to so many doctors but nothing to help alleviate the dizziness. I take meclazine when the dizziness is terrible. The dizziness is only when I move my
head but it can be in
bed & wakes me up. My right ear has always felt full & sometimes I can clear it a little bit but I can tell I don’t hear as well on that side as I do on the left.
A dr. told me that it appears I either got bit or contracted a virus that settled in my vestibular nerve.
Has anyone ever heard of a virus or sickness that gives the person residual dizziness? I’m thankful the dizziness isn’t everyday. It’s when it returns that it’s lasting longer or so it seems.
Again, if this isn’t a forum to discuss this, I apologize profusely. Thank you for listening.