Originally Posted by roland stockham
Yes talk to the boarder people but be up front, tell them the boat is stranded and deteriorating and that you have nowhere safe to keep it (both true!) and see if they will consider this essential travel. If not ask their advice.
People are talking about "maybe the boarder will be closed until next year. I would say almost a certainly it will. My view is that the USA will not control COVID 19 and will be isolated until there is a vaccine and treatment deployed. I certainly hope that is the case for the rest of our sakes. That may be next year if the vaccines in trials work but if the first batch prove ineffective look to 2022. All the predictions are that by October the daily case rate in the US will be in the order of 100,000 cases PER DAY according to their own health experts, can you even imagine what that would look like? Anyone needing to get stuff out should organize it ASAP.
The border guys hardly know the laws, saying less is more, if you talk make sure you already know the answer, if they can’t check one of these boxes you’re SOL
“ Who is considered an “essential” traveler?
Citizens and lawful permanent residents returning to the United States.
Individuals traveling for
medical purposes (e.g., to receive medical treatment in the United States).
Individuals traveling to attend educational institutions.
Individuals traveling to work in the United States (e.g., individuals working in the agriculture industry who must travel between the United States and Canada or
Mexico in furtherance of such work).
Individuals traveling for
emergency response and public health purposes (e.g.,
government officials or
emergency responders entering the United States to support federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government efforts to respond to COVID-19 or other emergencies).
Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border
trade (e.g., truck drivers supporting the movement of cargo between the United States and Canada and Mexico).
Individuals engaged in official government travel or diplomatic travel.
Individuals engaged in military-related travel or operations.”
No one is going to care about some guy and his boat, the boxes checkers check their box or no crossing for you.
As for “containing it” and all that, that’s not how reality works, but I got $20 on it fades away ether after it runs its course like these things historically do, or after November, which ever comes first.
But for the OPs situation, go book a consult for lasik or something, and when you come back home, bring the boat as you were there anyways, easy peasy