of late i am finding cdc unbelieveable, ditto who.
when there are effective and tested treatments which are proven effective, there is no reason to fall for a big pharma and depop favored jab of unknown effect.. yes unknown effect..these jabs are only approved for
emergency use. the 2 percent death rate to me doesnot justify a jab of untested origin and pushed by depop supporters. 2 percent death rate isnot
emergency. media and leftys will teeat normal folks like rubbish in
usa. perhaps many othe rnatiosn as well. so far i am fine , not involved with virus affliction and safe. i have supplies of tested anf proven treatments plus antivirals.. why should i suffer a jab that may well kill me or permanently damage me when i have these. it has not been proven that the jab prevents anything , on the contrary-it causes issues many cannot tolerate. it has not been proven that the jab is safe. in fact itis not safe. hence non approval by fda for anything except emergencies and i donot see 2 percent death rate a dire emergency.
but then there are those who crave pushing untested experimental drugs into their systems. all hail big pharma... the new god for the cultists.. msm has ye so scared you will accept a foreign untested substance into your body??
and who said that just because itis a virus that all will
contract it.?? such irresponsible thinking. contracting the issue isnot a given unless someone is following you with a death jab to ensure your illness. oh wait they are doing just that. injecting the spikes into your body doesnot ensure no covid.
so who here has actually researched the alleged vaccine??? its contents and sequellae??? side effects? permanent damage to cells and systems?? not tested.. oopsy. yet you run to be first in line for this unknown jab..
yes i hoarded treatments and am ready in the event i am illified.
personally i am more concerned with dengue than covid. remember the mosquito.
oh yes i am one of the cannot take due to
medical conditions, however there are very effective treatments for thisissue. the treatments are effective onall variants of the virus so mutation is moot, unfortunately not so for jabs which are mutation/strain specific.