i am proficient in
medical lingo as an rn with over 30 yrs in icu er and pacu and specialty units... i see the sheep pushed by fear. i see the children forced to wear masks endangering their health. i see people wearing masks out in freh air with no one near them. fear is visible.
i see sheeple pushing harder for this untested experimental not avaccine jab. i see folks dissing those with intelligence who want to wait to see who dies off before becoming a guinea pig. and i see folks like moondancer bad mouthing incorrectly those refusing the questionable jab that seems to have minimal effect on the prevention of this manmade viral weapon.
for the record--unjabbed folks donot pose more of a risk to
kids than do jabbed people. stop your disinformative spew.
just because someone is not jabbed doesnot mean they are spreading illness. you must have the virus to spread it. jabbed people also come down with covid. open your fascist eyes to this fact. yes fascist.
people are free to accept or refuse this issue. there are treatments which are effective and politicized to prevent use thus killing more than any unjabbed soul will affect. and who can tellme how many hundreds of thousands of people died because these
cheap effective treatments are banned from use.
\thankfully i am within an area in which itis easy to buy and stock those effective politicized treatments.
i pity each and all of you sheep and your sheep mentality. you are the virus that will kill yourselves and others. thankfully no unjabbed souls will suffer your disease. same as no jabbed souls are safe from covid. viruses mutate. remember that. and jabs are specific to one form only of the virus..is why there is no cure for common cold or hiv or many other mutating viruses for which there are no jabs. remember the jabs that actually ended virus were made for viruses that donot mutate. polio etc are prevented by vaccines which actually worked.. real vaccines, not this jab of unknown issue, so your argument is moot.
there is still much unknown regarding this bioweapon we were inflicted with. there are
no absolutes other than herd immunity happens and jabs ar questionable. untested. there is no guarantee in life.. why buy a fake guarantee by accepting an experimental jab. ther eis no one who knows what this jab will do to you or your offspring or your momma..there is no 20 yr study to see if your kids will still be ablet o reproduce..remember it is a gates mandate and his bs has proven more harmful than good. the man hasnt a md nor any degree. and you trust that? wow.. and faux y the liar with conflicted interests has flipflopped his way into infamy. no two times does he open mouth and say same thing. and you trust that. impressive. i feel sorry for you who havent the intelligence to
research before sheepling into the line for the boxcar/jab/death house.
as for schools opening--why are you in such a rush to see your children brownshirted into little machines without knowledge or awareness of anything the teacher/govt deems unnecessary, such as
history or thinking for self....home schooling, and other better methods of
learning are available to those not too lazy or too busy working for the payment of
taxes to bother with kiddos schooling yet whine about unjabbed kids.. and jabbing kids is awesome-- no one knows what happens 20 yrs after receiving these jabs..no one..untested means untested and you allow nay push your offspring into these jabs sessions.. wow only you can prevent damage to your own kids.
no i have no
advice for you parents with kids facing uncertainty in their future due to these specific jabs. they are not vaccines..have you read th e definition of vaccine? have you read theingredients in these jabs? have you received informed consent papers to sign and read??? hell to the no you havenot , as thereis no such thing with this jab. is a full unknown. yes there ar elists of ingredients bu t one must possess a beautiful independently thinking brain to know to read them. have you???? bet not.
so all you were taught to not accept strange things from strangers yet you rush to be first in line for an unknown worse than lsd or fentanyl or ecstasy. amazing. all hail the
power of the lying press. and you trust your
government isnot for the people--itis for government. and you trust the lying press--press is only a tool for lying govt. and supposedly intelligent--but not free thinking souls.. your brains have not been exercised in this case whatsoever, therefore are useless. you blindly take the mandates of anti humanity bureaucracies over actual physicians and
medical staffs.
so. what does your govt and the bureaucracies say about your liver disease or your backache or your broken knee or your other health issues.... oh. you dont trust the govt or bureaucracies to properly treat your illnesses??? but you allow govt to mandate you receive an untested unknown jab for a bioweapon they allowed to be released onto the planet.. but you are so anti fossil fuels.. and you are so anti small lil petty issues, but not anti wtf is jabbed into your bodies by folks craving depopulation and complete control of our planet?? impressive.