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Old 04-04-2020, 09:52   #16
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by robert sailor View Post
Great pic...looks like it was taken in the 60's
Yep, a notably stylish bunch, always setting the newest fashion trends. This I believe is the Michelin Man look or perhaps a throwback to traditional Montana Beach Attire.
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Old 04-04-2020, 09:57   #17
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Montanan View Post
...P.S.: Not being a Canadian, and not knowledgeable about Canadian history I have been left wondering exactly where is Old Foundland, the namesake place of New Foundland. I know where the namesakes are for New York, New England, New Jersey, New Hampshire.
Not exactly sure, but it fits with the direct approach to other place and business names. For example, there's a restaurant in the small mall in the town where my boat is located. The name of the restaurant: The Restaurant in the Mall.
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Old 04-04-2020, 09:59   #18
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Does anyone know what the status of marinas in Quebec or the Maritimes?
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Old 04-04-2020, 10:07   #19
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Hey, Mike, hello from Gatineau. I'd drop by and visit, but ... the border's closed.

Our summer marina announced a week or so ago that it is firmly closed until further notice. Our winter storage marina was acting like it was business as usual, but suddenly stopped responding to emails a couple of days ago.

Both in the Lake Ontario / Thousands Islands area.
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Old 04-04-2020, 10:22   #20
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

I have a 1979 Tanzer 7.5 at Bridgeview marina. Going on my second year of sailing. My marina said they were open because they launch Coast Guard vessels and therefore would be going ahead with launching start of May. Will we be allowed to go out sailing on the lake for the day is my question. For me it’s relaxing and I have only one or two others with me.
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Old 04-04-2020, 10:24   #21
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

We had planned to sail from Lake Ontario out the St Lawrence to the Maritime Provinces and then onto the Bahamas for the winter.That plan died this week.

So, we'll stay at our marina on Little Sodus Bay, NY for the summer and make a decision to go south later.

In the meantime, we catch up on New Foundland culture by watching reruns of Republic of Doyle on Netflix.

The link to the webcams has a typo, it is Web Cams -
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:08   #22
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Boating - Well you first have to get to a marina and that could be a challenge.

"Canadians have always taken unfettered inter-provincial travel for granted but that’s all starting to change in light of the continuing spread of the coronavirus. In a push to slow the growth of the pandemic, many provincial governments have started to limit provincial domestic travel. Some provinces have even taken extreme steps to impose self-quarantines or severely restrict travel even for Canadian travelers. Here’s a rundown of what each province and territory is doing in Canada to limit domestic travel."

So basically if you plan to travel interprovincially, one must spend 14 days in self isolation / quarantine in each province. That could make for a long trip across the entire country, especially a round trip.


On Wednesday, April 1, the Quebec government effectively divided Canada’s Capital Region by placing checkpoints on the border between Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec. The Quebec government says that the checkpoints are intended to prevent all non-essential travel into the province. According to a press release from the Gatineau police service “in order to reduce the propagation of COVID-19, Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) officers are being deployed to strategic entry points to restrict travel to only essential purposes.” At the checkpoints, the police say they will “… assess on a case by case basis whether or not the travel is essential, for instance to get to work if teleworking is not an option; for medical appointments or care; or for humanitarian reasons.”

The press release also notes that fines will be imposed for those who do not obey: “Although the SPVG prefers an approach based on community persuasion, its officers are prepared to turn to more coercive measures with people who refuse to cooperate. Fines may be imposed on people who refuse to cooperate. Under the Public Health Act, the police have the option of imposing fines ranging from $1,000 to $6,000. The police maintain their usual powers, and charges laid during an intervention will have the same legal consequences (i.e. criminal offense).” To block all non-essential travel into the province, the Quebec government has also set up checkpoints on major roads leading to more remote areas of Quebec, as well as at the Quebec-U.S. border. [Dual language digital signs, wow. So, Toto we are not in Kansas anymore. Hola, Parlez vous Espangolish, anyone?]


As of yet, Ontario has not imposed any inter-provincial travel restrictions. For more information, check out the Ontario Government website.


Manitoba is advising any domestic travelers entering the province to self-isolate for 14 days. The province is also establishing checkpoints at main highways and airports to provide guidance about COVID-19 to travelers. Read more here and here.


Currently the province has no domestic travel restrictions. The government does recommend that people self-monitor for symptoms if they have traveled outside of Saskatchewan, but within Canada. More information here and here.


No inter-provincial domestic travel restrictions.

British Columbia

No inter-provincial domestic travel restrictions.


All travelers entering the territory must self-quarantine. According to the website, “All visitors to the territory are required to self-isolate for 14 days. This includes anyone returning home from other provinces and territories by road or air, as well as Yukoners returning home by road from Alaska. We are putting mechanisms in place to monitor and ensure travelers are self-isolating.” Yukon is also advising against non-essential travel.

North West Territories

All travel into the territory by non-residents is now prohibited with a few exceptions (such as those transporting essential goods and essential service workers).

Nunavut What or Where or Who is Nunavut? Dang so need to look at an atlas.

All passenger flights in and out of Nunavik, as well as inter-community flights, have been grounded. According to the press release, “the only flights allowed are charters transporting cargo (including medical supplies and Canada Post), patients traveling for medical appointments, health care workers and other critical workers such as police officers.”

Prince Edward Island

The provincial website states that “anyone coming into Prince Edward Island must self-isolate for 14 days following all out of province travel, including within Canada and the US.” Exceptions include essential service workers and flight crews.

Newfoundland and Labrador [a.k.a. Retrieverland, Eh?

All travelers entering the province must self-isolate for 14 days.

Nova Scotia

Anyone entering Nova Scotia must self-isolate for 14 days.

New Brunswick

As of March 15, 2020, anyone entering the province (aside from some exceptions like essential workers) must self-isolate for 14 days.
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:13   #23
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

They didn't want to remember anywhere else - they FOUND a NEW LAND. Beautiful place - quite unique, very welcoming, great sailing / cruising area, although it may take you a few minutes to understand the locals on your first visit. To not look like a tourist on your first visit, you pronounce it as - "underSTAND" ie": NewfounDLAND
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:31   #24
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Dave Lochner View Post
We had planned to sail from Lake Ontario out the St Lawrence to the Maritime Provinces and then onto the Bahamas for the winter.That plan died this week.

So, we'll stay at our marina on Little Sodus Bay, NY for the summer and make a decision to go south later.

In the meantime, we catch up on New Foundland culture by watching reruns of Republic of Doyle on Netflix.

The link to the webcams has a typo, it is Web Cams -
Dave, thanks for posting the correction to the link. So you must be bored too, if one is webcam surfing New Foundland, Eh. Or is the province spelled as one word, Newfoundland?

Hey, they could mimic Montana's tourist logo: Get Lost in New Foundland.

The amazing thing is that there is more than one webcam in the province. I haven't found the one viewing The Restaurant in The Mall, that Mike mentioned yet. Maybe it is off-line if the Province has issued an order specifically closing The Restaurant in The Mall so as to enforce social distancing protocols.
Wondering if it is anything like The Restaurant in The West Edmonton Mall, or The Restaurant in The Mall of America, located at Minneapolis.
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:38   #25
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by RobertoD View Post
They didn't want to remember anywhere else - they FOUND a NEW LAND. Beautiful place - quite unique, very welcoming, great sailing / cruising area, although it may take you a few minutes to understand the locals on your first visit. To not look like a tourist on your first visit, you pronounce it as - "underSTAND" ie": NewfounDLAND
newfunDLAND. Got it. Thanks.

A popular highway sign in Idaho. Warning seemingly applies equally well to most everywhere one goes.

I recall turning our car around on the highway to go back to be sure we read it correctly and to then take a picture of it, going on three decades ago.
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:43   #26

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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

There is no "Oldfoundland" [I assume your question is serious:-)?].

So, FWIW, the name came about in the late 15th century because no-one had a name for any place in what later became referred to as "the new world".

John Cabot, who in 1497 (five years after Columbus "sailed the ocean blue") laid claim to Newfoundland for King Henry VII, was a contemporary of Columbus and in many ways in competition with him. Because no place in the "new world" had European names at that time, the convention was, in England, simply to refer to the land discovered by Cabot as "the new found land" (Surely there couldn't be any other lands to the westward, right?).

Contracted into one word, "new found land" was, and is, pronounced "newfndLAND" with the vowel in the "found" syllable elided and with HEAVY stress on the last syllable.


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Old 04-04-2020, 11:52   #27
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

I think that we all have to kiss this summer's boating season Goodbye.

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Old 04-04-2020, 11:53   #28
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Hi guys, here in Valleyfield Marina (lake St-Francis) everything is lock until gouvernement release restrictions. No one is alloy in the marina....Get Lost
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:54   #29
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

From Etymology Dictionary: 1585, from newfound + land (n.). In reference to a type of dog, from 1773. Related: Newfoundlander. Colloquial shortening Newfie for the inhabitants or the place is recorded from 1942.
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Old 04-04-2020, 11:59   #30
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