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Old 08-04-2020, 11:06   #151
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

i mentioned this in another thread so thought i would post it here.

friends of ours are in georgetown, been there a few weeks.
told us the other day that shore access is now being restricted.
depending on the first initial of your last name, you can come ashore
two days a week during certain hours of the day. i guess they want to
limit the number of people shopping in the stores or just being ashore.
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Old 08-04-2020, 17:54   #152
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by onestepcsy37 View Post
i mentioned this in another thread so thought i would post it here.

friends of ours are in georgetown, been there a few weeks.
told us the other day that shore access is now being restricted.
depending on the first initial of your last name, you can come ashore
two days a week during certain hours of the day. i guess they want to
limit the number of people shopping in the stores or just being ashore.
Correct. The bahamian government is trying to limit movement and interaction. But of course the general rule doesn't work everywhere. Spanish wells for example, almost everyone has the same last name of pinder. So alphabet system doesn't work. But the population is lower, so not much crowding. In Nassau (much larger population)the are taking a number(like you do at a deli) and waiting in their car till called. To limit the number of people in the store.
They are trying to limit spread of this virus, and as someone who is here I appreciate the efforts they are making.
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Old 09-04-2020, 13:36   #153
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

US blocking delivery of supplies for fighting COVID19 to Bahamas:

This is the sort of thing that can turn public opinion against American boaters overnight. It might get be a good time to make your way west......
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Old 09-04-2020, 14:15   #154
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by Woodland Hills View Post
US blocking delivery of supplies for fighting COVID19 to Bahamas:

This is the sort of thing that can turn public opinion against American boaters overnight. It might get be a good time to make your way west......
Time to start wearing a t-shirt with a Canadian flag.
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Old 09-04-2020, 14:15   #155
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by GordMay View Post
It, sort of, reminds one of another country, and it's chosen leader.
Originally Posted by Woodland Hills View Post
US blocking delivery of supplies for fighting COVID19 to Bahamas:

This is the sort of thing that can turn public opinion against American boaters overnight. It might get be a good time to make your way west......
Is beyond good time . . . Truth is Americans should have already returned.

The Warning - Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel—Widespread Ongoing Transmission was issued about a month or more ago.

The State Department on March 31, 2020 issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory - Do Not Travel Notice. That is the highest level of travel advisory.

Global Level 4 Health Advisory – Do Not Travel
Global Health Advisory

The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19. In countries where commercial departure options remain available, U.S. citizens who live in the United States should arrange for immediate return to the United States, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period.

At present the Department of State is making every effort to assist U.S. citizens overseas who wish to return to the United States. As the Covid-19 situation develops, our ability to provide such assistance working with commercial airlines or arranging for evacuation flights may become more limited or even unavailable. In recent weeks, commercial airlines have significantly reduced flight schedules and countries have closed airports and borders with little advance notice. If you wish to return to the United States, you should make arrangements to do so now and contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance as needed. There is no guarantee that the Department of State will be able to continue to provide repatriation assistance and transportation options to the United States may be unavailable in the future. If you choose to remain overseas, you should be prepared to remain where you are for the foreseeable future.

U.S. citizens who live abroad should avoid all international travel. Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice. Airlines have cancelled many, if not most, international flights and cruise operators have suspended operations or cancelled trips. If you choose to travel internationally, your travel plans may be severely disrupted, and you may be forced to remain outside of the United States for an indefinite time frame.

On March 14, the Department of State authorized the departure of U.S. personnel and family members from any diplomatic or consular post in the world who have determined they are at higher risk of a poor outcome if exposed to COVID-19 or who have requested departure based on a commensurate justification. These departures may limit the ability of U.S. Embassies and consulates to provide services to U.S. citizens.
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Old 09-04-2020, 19:51   #156
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

You left Thompson Bay, Long Island yesterday...those of us here were glad to see you go
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Old 09-04-2020, 20:27   #157
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by boatpoker View Post
Time to start wearing a t-shirt with a Canadian flag.
Can you say "oot and aboot"
Oh so got that covered, down goes the Ensign and up goes the new Canabis boat flag. Flying that keeps the customs and border patrol at bay.

Got to say, it has a bit of an odd looking maple leaf; Eh?

Stay healthy.
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Old 09-04-2020, 20:50   #158
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by GordMay View Post
It, sort of, reminds one of another country, and it's chosen leader.
Funny, Me too!! I'm screaming STFU at my TV nightly.
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Old 09-04-2020, 21:09   #159
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Masks now required when venturing out.

The government has made an amendment to its Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Regulations, requiring anyone leaving their residence to wear a mask.

“Every person who leaves his residence in accordance with the provisions of this order and any exemption granted hereunder, shall wear a mask covering his nose and mouth while away from his residence,” the amendment said. “An exempted business or undertaking may deny entry to any person not wearing a mask covering his nose and mouth.”

Emergency Powers amendment: Masks must be worn when leaving home | The Tribune
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Old 09-04-2020, 21:31   #160
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by Montanan View Post
Oh so got that covered, down goes the Ensign and up goes the new Canabis boat flag. Flying that keeps the customs and border patrol at bay.

Got to say, it has a bit of an odd looking maple leaf; Eh?

Stay healthy.
The correct term is " eh! hoser"

If you're not laughing, you're not doin' it right.
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Old 09-04-2020, 21:52   #161
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by Palarran View Post
Funny, Me too!! I'm screaming STFU at my TV nightly.
It has gone beyond screaming at the TV for me. I just have to turn it off. Saw a New Yorker cartoon that put it quite well. If I recall correctly it went like this.

Two friends walking down the street. One says to the other, "My desire to remain informed is in direct conflict with my need to stay sane."
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Old 09-04-2020, 21:54   #162
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by skipmac View Post
It has gone beyond screaming at the TV for me. I just have to turn it off. Saw a New Yorker cartoon that put it quite well. If I recall correctly it went like this.

Two friends walking down the street. One says to the other, "My desire to remain informed is in direct conflict with my need to stay sane."
Found it.
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Views:	119
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The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
Rust is the poor man's Loctite.
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Old 10-04-2020, 06:23   #163
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by R2boat View Post
You left Thompson Bay, Long Island yesterday...those of us here were glad to see you go
Who is this for? And what is it about?
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Old 10-04-2020, 06:59   #164
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

I keep reading accounts from sailors who are still in the Bahamas, who have convinced themselves, that everything is going to be fine and need to just stay put instead of going home.

And, it reminds me of reading The Winds of War, and the attitude of the Jewish characters who were in the Axis countries, who kept convincing themselves that everything was going to be fine, and reading the Jewish edicts the way they wanted them to be interpreted, until it was too late.
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Old 11-04-2020, 12:16   #165
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Re: Bahamas - EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID 19)(NO. 1) ORDER, 2020 ???

Originally Posted by R2boat View Post
You left Thompson Bay, Long Island yesterday...those of us here were glad to see you go
I believe that was for me, correct? I was glad to leave too, and apparently later that day after I left you guys called the Royal Bahamian Defense Force on a boat that came in from the Raggeds to get supplies, I heard he didn’t even go ashore but paid the local $35 to shop for him, but as he was leaving you guys demanded he return and drop anchor, and when he didn’t you guys called the Defense Force to report them.
This is correct information isn’t it?

You guys really did that didn’t you?

Curious what was the Defense forces reaction?

Any wonder why I left the day that the US Embassy published in writing complete instructions on what is allowed and what isn’t to travel to repatriate. They were to my knowledge the first actual instructions in writing, and as far as I know they continue to be so, but I am not in contact, sailing every day to get home, so maybe the Bahamian government has published instructions, but I doubt it, maybe sometime after Tuesday.

Oh, and by the way, in those instructions a cruiser repatriating is allowed to stop for supplies and fuel, and anchor to rest when needed. So they guy who you tried getting thrown into jail, or fined $10,000 wasn’t doing anything wrong.

I’m currently in Staniel Cay, where their are no Nazi tactics, even the fuel dock is open during the shutdown from 10AM to 1PM, I believe to supply fuel for those boats traveling home.

You guys really should be ashamed for attempting to get a fellow cruiser arrested, fined or his boat confiscated, for doing exactly what his Embassy had said to do.
Even though on your net the day I left you you all lined up and said the US Embassy didn’t know what they were doing, best to wait until the PM issued his forthcoming rules.

What astonished me about that is your belief that the US Embassy would send out an Email like that without coordination with the host nation.

Group 9, I had also thought about the German and Polish Jews and how or why they stayed until they couldn’t leave, how they as a group had tallied themselves in believing things that weren’t true.
It was a real lesson to me in how a social group, can affect the way individuals think, it must be true, all my friends say so.
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