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Old 01-12-2021, 18:42   #31
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by Thumbs Up View Post
Not quite. They clearly state that their vaccine effectivenes numbers are taken from "studies in UK populations" (so not from the data presented on those charts). They fail to list these studies or describe just how their "efficacy" was extrapolated.
Regardless of the extrapolation, from the raw data presented in the link you've provided, I can't see anyway that you can parse it and find that being unvaccinated give you better results. I have tried. If you can, please show your work.

When interpreting this info, I try to be cautious of
a) impossible expectations (eg. have you been fair applying your analysis to this, compared with say hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin?)
b) cherry picking data (eg. even if you disregard all morbidity and only look at mortality, the data presented shows vaccination benefit, yet you're still finding some loophole like some reference they didn't include hoping that will invalidate the whole document? Are you looking for data to support your beliefs or are you adjusting your beliefs according to data?)
c) moving goalposts (eg. first, it was an experimental vaccine and not FDA approved, then when the FDA approved it, then we need the Jan 2022 UK data.)
d) nefarious intent / conspiracy (eg. is it more likely that the vaccine actually works, or is it more likely there's a global conspiracy going on, and I'm the one in on it?)
e) Dunning-Kruger (eg. am I really that smart? Is the executive summary that states vaccine efficacy in the PDF just trying to pull a fast one over you, but you've managed to identify a glaring mistake in their charts that everyone else missed that proves the vaccine is bad?)
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Old 01-12-2021, 18:47   #32
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by longjonsilver View Post
Africa is the problem for those that claim that vaccines are the solution to Covid. Africa is by far the least vaccinated continent. You see, with 16% of the worlds population, Africa has less than 3% of the worlds deaths from Covid, and yet has only 6% of the vaccinations.

Check out this graph:

This is despite the fact that Africa is the least healthy continent of all based on numerous metrics, yet it is faring better than any other with Covid.

You see, in any biological scientific experiment, you must have only one variable and a control group. You have one group that received the thing and one group that didn't and you can then compare them. This way a conclusion can be drawn. There is such a large gap between the vaccination rates of Africa and the other continents that Africa functions as the control group.

What does this tell us? Perhaps it tells us that the mRNA vaccines don't work, and that we would have been better off to have refused to vaccinate our population.

Can i say "Follow the money"?

For full list of links and more fun graphs:
You didn't do well in science class did you? PLenty of factors that could explain why Africa may be better than others, most notable of which is the low indoor population density.
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Old 01-12-2021, 18:51   #33
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by sailingabe41ds View Post
First case in US with omicron is a fully vaccinated person from California who went to S Africa. CDC conclusion...we all need to be vaccinated. But wait...wasnt this guy fully vaccinated ?
Who has very minor symptoms. That is why we get vaccinated. Look we are all going to get it. Survival is highly dependent on a strong immune response which is boosted by the vaccine.
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Old 01-12-2021, 19:23   #34
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by GreenWave View Post
Who has very minor symptoms. That is why we get vaccinated. Look we are all going to get it. Survival is highly dependent on a strong immune response which is boosted by the vaccine.
In general every variant is weaker though more contagious than is predecessor.....simple evolution. Strept in the 1950s caused severe renal, arthritic condition and cardiac disease. I have rarely seeing in a case of rheumatic fever or glomerular nephritis when it was a common occurance in the 50s. I trained at UCSF (University of California at San Francisco) in the 80s at the start of AIDS. When I was there AIDS was 100% deadly (btw Fauci was also in charge). We survive HIV and AIDS today not just because of the medications but because of the weaker variance.
A flee that kills a dog does not survive. A flee that mutates, jumps higher and does not kill the dog lives long enough to survive and spread its genes. In almost every case a mutation mutates into a more contagious form but less deadly. This new strain is political BS and another politicians can keep us into eternal lockdowns.
This person is doing well not because he is vaccinated, but because it is a weaker strain ..and will continue to be weaker though more contagious like your yearly cold and flue.
People need to wake up...they (pharma and politicians) do not care about our health. They care more about political power, control, and $$$. They will control when you can meet...when you can gather....when you can pray....when you can go to Interesting that this new strain just came out just before the holidays.
Time to stop drinking the cool aide and take the red pill. How many variances have we had since the alpha? Why such a big deal about this one? Why did they skip the Xi variance?
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Old 01-12-2021, 20:00   #35
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by danstanford View Post
So many things like this Thumbs, it makes me crazy! If you can find information you can usually find offsetting information from another source.

Yes, I know it is very early days data wise but there are lots of people yelling that we should just listen to the science....
After about 8 billion COVID vaccines given world wide, you'd think we would have noticed our CCUs getting overwhelmed with heart attacks if there was any relevant "uptick" in cardiac events. But instead, our local CCU has been repurposed a couple of times to look after, you guessed it, unvaccinated COVID patients.
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Old 01-12-2021, 20:27   #36

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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by elee View Post
Regardless of the extrapolation, from the raw data presented in the link you've provided, I can't see anyway that you can parse it and find that being unvaccinated give you better results. I never claimed that it would show better resultdI have tried. If you can, please show your work.

When interpreting this info, I try to be cautious of
a) impossible expectations (eg. have you been fair applying your analysis to this, compared with say hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin?)I never performed said ananalysis, however HCQ and ivermectin are proven safer, and to perform better than the vaccines. Why do you bring them up? Do you wish to discuss them?
b) cherry picking data (eg. even if you disregard all morbidity and only look at mortality, the data presented shows vaccination benefit, yet you're still finding some loophole like some reference they didn't include hoping that will invalidate the whole document? Are you looking for data to support your beliefs or are you adjusting your beliefs according to data?) I showed the correct source for the data and corrected you as to what it says, nothing more. What are you on about?
c) moving goalposts (eg. first, it was an experimental vaccine and not FDA approved, then when the FDA approved it, then we need the Jan 2022 UK data.)I said that I wanted the data on increased cardiac related deaths. Don't you want to see it too?
d) nefarious intent / conspiracy (eg. is it more likely that the vaccine actually works, or is it more likely there's a global conspiracy going on, and I'm the one in on it?)massive felony fraud perpetrated by big pharma is nothing new
e) Dunning-Kruger (eg. am I really that smart? Is the executive summary that states vaccine efficacy in the PDF just trying to pull a fast one over you, but you've managed to identify a glaring mistake in their charts that everyone else missed that proves the vaccine is bad?)The dunning kruger card? Did you attend anti conspiracy 101? THE VACCINATED DATA SHOWS THEM MANY TIMES MORE LIKELY TO CONTRACT THE DISEASE THAN UNVAXXED!
I might be done discussing this with you. There are more than plenty qualified scientists and doctors that support my position. You guys won't even say who your so-called experts are.
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Old 01-12-2021, 20:32   #37

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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by elee View Post
After about 8 billion COVID vaccines given world wide, you'd think we would have noticed our CCUs getting overwhelmed with heart attacks if there was any relevant "uptick" in cardiac events. But instead, our local CCU has been repurposed a couple of times to look after, you guessed it, unvaccinated COVID patients.
One would think. So let's see the data.
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Old 01-12-2021, 22:19   #38
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

I started researching medicine over twenty years ago after i was diagnosed with a major medical condition when i worked in the US. When the specialist lied to me i called a sibling who is a doc and was told it was an insurance scam to bleed my coverage. As i have said before i have many family members who are docs. My sibling graduated first in his year from high school in the GTA and recieved full ride offers from the best schools. Won the graduation prize and was asked to stay on as a prof. I am told many docs do not even know how to take a proper blood pressure. Also the profession has the highest suicide rate among professions. I have been misdiagnosed so many times i do not trust docs any more. I know there are some good ones.

Has anyone been to Africa. I have more than once and will be spending much more time there soon. Africa is frought with orgs and health orgs trying to force shots on them but they have grown wise even to their water source being laced. Aids, ebola, etc all lab made. Me thinks you guys do not know what you speak of. Not conspirary as much as you want it to be and there is documented paperwork outlining it all. Try spending the hours researching it.

Still waiting to hear who your experts are. I have listed previously a few. There are many many more. All you have to do is refute something, anything. And then you will be refuting the real experts and setting yourselves up for legal issues.

Cancer is easily avoided and cured but it is a big industry that is profitable as is much of modern medicine. The shot not only weakens (destroys) your immune system it prevents your natural immune system from protecting you against not just cancer but everything else. Aggressive cancers and illnesss are skyrocketing. Ask a trusted health pro or just check out the many sad first hand accounts exloding on social media.

Again, your choice, your life.
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Old 01-12-2021, 23:41   #39
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
I started researching medicine over twenty years ago after i was diagnosed with a major medical condition when i worked in the US. When the specialist lied to me i called a sibling who is a doc and was told it was an insurance scam to bleed my coverage. As i have said before i have many family members who are docs. My sibling graduated first in his year from high school in the GTA and recieved full ride offers from the best schools. Won the graduation prize and was asked to stay on as a prof. I am told many docs do not even know how to take a proper blood pressure. Also the profession has the highest suicide rate among professions. I have been misdiagnosed so many times i do not trust docs any more. I know there are some good ones.

Has anyone been to Africa. I have more than once and will be spending much more time there soon. Africa is frought with orgs and health orgs trying to force shots on them but they have grown wise even to their water source being laced. Aids, ebola, etc all lab made. Me thinks you guys do not know what you speak of. Not conspirary as much as you want it to be and there is documented paperwork outlining it all. Try spending the hours researching it.

Still waiting to hear who your experts are. I have listed previously a few. There are many many more. All you have to do is refute something, anything. And then you will be refuting the real experts and setting yourselves up for legal issues.

Cancer is easily avoided and cured but it is a big industry that is profitable as is much of modern medicine. The shot not only weakens (destroys) your immune system it prevents your natural immune system from protecting you against not just cancer but everything else. Aggressive cancers and illnesss are skyrocketing. Ask a trusted health pro or just check out the many sad first hand accounts exloding on social media.

Again, your choice, your life.

My you have had a busy life, now you add medical research to your resume, along with the gem that cancer is easily avoided and cured.
Here are a few of your other offerings, just in case you have forgotten your previous claims.

Re: COP26 - the Glasgow Climate Summit
Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
Prof from U of Melbourne and importantly a geologist talking at a function in the UK. There is a reason geologists never get invited to climate talks as they would reveal too many inconvenient truths

I take it none of you have a background in this like i do? Any geologists here? And stop talking science cause there is none here except religious alarmist nonsense. The same alarmists on a number of threads all screaming their nonsense based on being ignorant without any background on the subjects.
Background in geology?

Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
Thanks for showing us you know nothing about the topic. I suggest you do more research about volcanoes, particularly underwater ones.
More implied geological expertise.

Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
That is not research. There is no relevant info there. The least you can do since you are so dogmatic on this topic is to actually do proper research that is scientific in nature with factual data rather than do google searches to find useless banter that only supports your position.

What is it with you alarmists and your - lets find something that kinda says the right things and sorta supports my point but doesn't really say much about anything!

And try and avoid biased research!
Perhaps you would do well to embrace this philosophy as well.

Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
Thanks for proving my points there Bob! And touche on the be nice rules!! Try engineering faculty but also studied the subjects at hand!!!

And now we are an engineer that happens to have studied other topics as well.
Rob aka Uncle Bob Sydney Australia.

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Old 01-12-2021, 23:54   #40
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

I am a research prof required to teach 9 hours per week. The rest of my time is spent doing research. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. If something interests me i being anal look to find the truth. I put in long hours reading and reading and following every rabbit hole. It is possible i have spent more time in uni than you have in grade school. Everyone i know has at least eight years of uni or more. All my colleagues do. I work in an environment where experts are a lunch or phone call or a walk down the corridor.

All you have to do is refute something i have said with irrefutable facts - not snopes or fact check sites made for bright ones like yourself.

My school has two large hospitals so expertise is at hand.
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Old 02-12-2021, 00:14   #41
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

Originally Posted by mat jam View Post
I am a research prof required to teach 9 hours per week. The rest of my time is spent doing research. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. If something interests me i being anal look to find the truth. I put in long hours reading and reading and following every rabbit hole. It is possible i have spent more time in uni than you have in grade school. Everyone i know has at least eight years of uni or more. All my colleagues do. I work in an environment where experts are a lunch or phone call or a walk down the corridor.

All you have to do is refute something i have said with irrefutable facts - not snopes or fact check sites made for bright ones like yourself.

My school has two large hospitals so expertise is at hand.

And I guess that you have irrefutable facts supporting the gem "that cancer is easily avoided and cured" can be shared by you for all us undereducated plebs?
Rob aka Uncle Bob Sydney Australia.

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Old 02-12-2021, 00:26   #42
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

I hesitate to reply to your request due to your acidic nature towards me but i will to prove a point and perhaps help some poor souls - but if you have had the shot then there is no hope.

I need to stress it is frowned upon to discuss alternative remedies due to the profit motives and like any gang that has cornered a market well... you understand but no one i know has cancer simply cause it can only grow in an acidic environment. Now if i need to explain this to you you deserve your fate. Do the things to mitigate this and you will be golden but also know the environment one exists can be more hazardous in terms of the stresses of cancer inducement. Specifically where you live, how you live is everything and what you consume, specifically cancer fuel - I will not say more - do your homework.
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Old 02-12-2021, 00:43   #43
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Re: Africa: The Covid control group of the world

This thread is closed due to one fact only, it is not cruising related.

As a medic I have a leaning toward non mainstream therapies but do not think CF is the platform to discuss them.

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