Originally Posted by newhaul
Well over 100 words and still a personal non friendly writeup.
Afterall you have no idea as to my knowledge or licensing requirements for what I do.
All I want is for you to simply admit you were not correct when you stated the
Electrodacus SBMS is not a solar controller and bms combination
It is infact a solar controller there is even a version that has a built in MPPT solar controller.
Ahh I slowly understand....
The old SBMS40 till SBMS120 was solar controller with BMS function. The number behind was the
current rating of the integrated solar controller . That's legacy and not
sold anymore since 5 years.
As by HP "SBMSO and DSSR replace all former models"
SBMS 0 and the 0 means that the BMS doesn't contain any solar controller anymore. That controller is seperate now the DSSR and the SBMS0 is a contactor BMS
steering all with 6 programmable Optocopplers.
The SBMS 0 has and had never a solar controller in it.
The reason are solar controller with BMS function are a) not scalable and B)his special DSSR solar controllers
work most efficient when close to the solar array but BMS must be close to battery due to measuring cell voltages. And that made it necessary to spilt into a BMS the SBMS0 and solar controller the DSSR.
The solar controller is switch on/off by the SBMS based on cell voltage via optocoppler doesn't matter if it's a Electrodacus DSSR or a
Victron MPPT is steered in exactly the same way. That was the 2nd big design change making the SBMS0 a full contactor BMS.
Yes SBMS is focused as main charge source solar, that's why the charge bus is called PV and shown as PV but you can connect any other charge source to PV to make it a classic charge and load bus architecture making it a full contactor BMS that also works without any solar.
Look at the install diagrams at the end of the beginners guide and you will see it's a full contactor BMS. ExTIO3 means the optocoppler is programmed as load contactor=LVD and EXTO4 is charge contactor=HVD and extio5 desaster cutoff. Extio 2 is charge contactor that cuts charge at an adjustable SoC eg at 95% an 115A Mitsubishi
alternator with internal temp protection but
AGM regulator. As battery is always online the
alternator doesn't need a surge protector directly
charging lifepo4.