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Old 18-12-2024, 03:30   #241
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
Incorrect you always add a lot of word salads instead of just answering the exact question.

The unit is a sbms which includes a solar controller component which you do admit in your post buried in the rest of the past which I refer to as word salad or window dressing to to hide the fact you indirectly admit you were wrong.
Sometime attempt to do as asked and give a direct answer without salad. Aka window dressing trying to hide the actual answer/ meal.
How does the included solar controller prevent this device working as true BMS? That's just additional benefit and doesn't make the BMS part obsolete..
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Old 18-12-2024, 06:55   #242
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by TeddyDiver View Post
How does the included solar controller prevent this device working as true BMS? That's just additional benefit and doesn't make the BMS part obsolete..
?? I don't see an issue with the ebms almost wish I had gotten it instead of the daly I did get but I don't need another solar controller.
I'm sure someone will be along to explain why it' was a bad idea or something .
Worst case it would be a backup control if primary mppt controller failed.
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Old 18-12-2024, 06:57   #243
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
I didn't have a question except when are you going sailing off grid?
I have starlink...crossing us planed for mid January.
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Old 18-12-2024, 07:02   #244
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
I have starlink...crossing us planed for mid January.
Seems almost everyon3 has one of those accursed things.
How is the service ? Honest review. Any issues anywhere you sail?

For me sailing is a time to unplug from the world. But then I love the solitude .
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Old 18-12-2024, 07:09   #245
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
?? I don't see an issue with the ebms almost wish I had gotten it instead of the daly I did get but I don't need another solar controller.
I'm sure someone will be along to explain why it' was a bad idea or something .
Worst case it would be a backup control if primary mppt controller failed.
It's good that you don't got it, spares the community a lot of...
And if you wanna understand read the beginners guide...newbies that never installed lifepo4 systems understand after that how that BMS works. You obviously don't which leaves a lot concerns for all the vessels you touch...
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Old 18-12-2024, 08:25   #246
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
It's good that you don't got it, spares the community a lot of...
And if you wanna understand read the beginners guide...newbies that never installed lifepo4 systems understand after that how that BMS works. You obviously don't which leaves a lot concerns for all the vessels you touch...
Rude direct attack on me but I have thick skin.

You are the one that doesn't seem to understand lifepo4 installations.

So in your own pen in 100 words or less what is the issue with the SBMS that is the actual technical issue you seem to see in the equipment.
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Old 18-12-2024, 11:48   #247
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
Rude direct attack on me but I have thick skin.

You are the one that doesn't seem to understand lifepo4 installations.

So in your own pen in 100 words or less what is the issue with the SBMS that is the actual technical issue you seem to see in the equipment.
I answered as polite as I can be after giving you all information and documentations that even newbies in electrodacus forum understand since years but you as commercial installer call world salad. if you feel it as an attack there must be a reason. I was not meant to be one. I just confirmed your own statement of making the right decision this SBMS is not for you.

My SBMS install is certified to be in line with ISO standards for Europe for lithium installs on request of my insurance. Compared to US where the ABYC is just a recommendation we have ISO standards you have to fullfil. That means also certified that I know how to do lifepo4 installation as I passed first time with an install that draws up to 600A which requires a lot extra tests and safety checks with these high loads.

I see no technical issue with the SBMS at all. It has a lot of advantages to the classic contactor BMS approach of eg REC or X2BMS especially for boats that the battery is always online and load+charge sources are cut on the low power side instead one big relay and only one major disadvantage that it's philosophy to control everything as spider in the web means its made to control only one bank. So above 300AH if you don't use winston or sinopoly 400-1000AH cells you must build a multi cell parallel bank which has its additional challenges as you cannot parallel several SBMS.
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Old 18-12-2024, 12:23   #248
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
Seems almost everyon3 has one of those accursed things.
How is the service ? Honest review. Any issues anywhere you sail?

For me sailing is a time to unplug from the world. But then I love the solitude .
No issue and I have the motor version.
What goes on you nerve is the ever changing conditions of starlink.
Newest, at least to me, if you bring your europe startlink to Caribbean and register it there as service address you pay 200$ punishment fee as you didn't buy it in Caribbean/US area.
For me for offshore I have the priority data 2$ per GB is the possibility to really do proper weather and route planing which is a pain with Grib files and iridium go. It's on for that time and otherwise off and sometimes switched on to watch a movie when condition allow.
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Old 18-12-2024, 12:30   #249
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
I answered as polite as I can be after giving you all information and documentations that even newbies in electrodacus forum understand since years but you as commercial installer call world salad. if you feel it as an attack there must be a reason. I was not meant to be one. I just confirmed your own statement of making the right decision this SBMS is not for you.

My SBMS install is certified to be in line with ISO standards for Europe for lithium installs on request of my insurance. Compared to US where the ABYC is just a recommendation we have ISO standards you have to fullfil. That means also certified that I know how to do lifepo4 installation as I passed first time with an install that draws up to 600A which requires a lot extra tests and safety checks with these high loads.

I see no technical issue with the SBMS at all. It has a lot of advantages to the classic contactor BMS approach of eg REC or X2BMS especially for boats that the battery is always online and load+charge sources are cut on the low power side instead one big relay and only one major disadvantage that it's philosophy to control everything as spider in the web means its made to control only one bank. So above 300AH if you don't use winston or sinopoly 400-1000AH cells you must build a multi cell parallel bank which has its additional challenges as you cannot parallel several SBMS.
Well over 100 words and still a personal non friendly writeup.
Afterall you have no idea as to my knowledge or licensing requirements for what I do.
All I want is for you to simply admit you were not correct when you stated the
Electrodacus SBMS is not a solar controller and bms combination
It is infact a solar controller there is even a version that has a built in MPPT solar controller.
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Old 18-12-2024, 12:36   #250
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
No issue and I have the motor version.
What goes on you nerve is the ever changing conditions of starlink.
Newest, at least to me, if you bring your europe startlink to Caribbean and register it there as service address you pay 200$ punishment fee as you didn't buy it in Caribbean/US area.
For me for offshore I have the priority data 2$ per GB is the possibility to really do proper weather and route planing which is a pain with Grib files and iridium go. It's on for that time and otherwise off and sometimes switched on to watch a movie when condition allow.
Yes I noticed several friends having that issue even all over the pacific all the way from here ( West coast america) to all points all the way to Australia heck even from one area stateside to another .
Here in Seattle area and different pricing in San Francisco Bay.
But I suppose that's the price you pay for connectivity. Hope soon it all gets standardized.
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Old 18-12-2024, 19:52   #251
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
Well over 100 words and still a personal non friendly writeup.
Afterall you have no idea as to my knowledge or licensing requirements for what I do.
All I want is for you to simply admit you were not correct when you stated the
Electrodacus SBMS is not a solar controller and bms combination
It is infact a solar controller there is even a version that has a built in MPPT solar controller.
Ahh I slowly understand....
The old SBMS40 till SBMS120 was solar controller with BMS function. The number behind was the current rating of the integrated solar controller . That's legacy and not sold anymore since 5 years.

As by HP "SBMSO and DSSR replace all former models"
SBMS 0 and the 0 means that the BMS doesn't contain any solar controller anymore. That controller is seperate now the DSSR and the SBMS0 is a contactor BMS steering all with 6 programmable Optocopplers.

The SBMS 0 has and had never a solar controller in it.
The reason are solar controller with BMS function are a) not scalable and B)his special DSSR solar controllers work most efficient when close to the solar array but BMS must be close to battery due to measuring cell voltages. And that made it necessary to spilt into a BMS the SBMS0 and solar controller the DSSR.
The solar controller is switch on/off by the SBMS based on cell voltage via optocoppler doesn't matter if it's a Electrodacus DSSR or a Victron MPPT is steered in exactly the same way. That was the 2nd big design change making the SBMS0 a full contactor BMS.
Yes SBMS is focused as main charge source solar, that's why the charge bus is called PV and shown as PV but you can connect any other charge source to PV to make it a classic charge and load bus architecture making it a full contactor BMS that also works without any solar.

Look at the install diagrams at the end of the beginners guide and you will see it's a full contactor BMS. ExTIO3 means the optocoppler is programmed as load contactor=LVD and EXTO4 is charge contactor=HVD and extio5 desaster cutoff. Extio 2 is charge contactor that cuts charge at an adjustable SoC eg at 95% an 115A Mitsubishi alternator with internal temp protection but AGM regulator. As battery is always online the alternator doesn't need a surge protector directly charging lifepo4.
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Old 19-12-2024, 07:04   #252
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
Ahh I slowly understand....
The old SBMS40 till SBMS120 was solar controller with BMS function. The number behind was the current rating of the integrated solar controller . That's legacy and not sold anymore since 5 years.

As by HP "SBMSO and DSSR replace all former models"
SBMS 0 and the 0 means that the BMS doesn't contain any solar controller anymore. That controller is seperate now the DSSR and the SBMS0 is a contactor BMS steering all with 6 programmable Optocopplers.

The SBMS 0 has and had never a solar controller in it.
The reason are solar controller with BMS function are a) not scalable and B)his special DSSR solar controllers work most efficient when close to the solar array but BMS must be close to battery due to measuring cell voltages. And that made it necessary to spilt into a BMS the SBMS0 and solar controller the DSSR.
The solar controller is switch on/off by the SBMS based on cell voltage via optocoppler doesn't matter if it's a Electrodacus DSSR or a Victron MPPT is steered in exactly the same way. That was the 2nd big design change making the SBMS0 a full contactor BMS.
Yes SBMS is focused as main charge source solar, that's why the charge bus is called PV and shown as PV but you can connect any other charge source to PV to make it a classic charge and load bus architecture making it a full contactor BMS that also works without any solar.

Look at the install diagrams at the end of the beginners guide and you will see it's a full contactor BMS. ExTIO3 means the optocoppler is programmed as load contactor=LVD and EXTO4 is charge contactor=HVD and extio5 desaster cutoff. Extio 2 is charge contactor that cuts charge at an adjustable SoC eg at 95% an 115A Mitsubishi alternator with internal temp protection but AGM regulator. As battery is always online the alternator doesn't need a surge protector directly charging lifepo4.
Quite a bit of my work has Ben fixing installations of others that failed or was not properly installed . Half of it is done remotely talking the owner through repairs. So I rarely work with parts that are brand new unless replacing complete smoke failures.
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Old 19-12-2024, 07:10   #253
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
Quite a bit of my work has Ben fixing installations of others that failed or was not properly installed . Half of it is done remotely talking the owner through repairs. So I rarely work with parts that are brand new unless replacing complete smoke failures.
???.wrong thread?
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Old 19-12-2024, 07:43   #254
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Re: Modern lithium setup for boats

Originally Posted by CaptainRivet View Post
???.wrong thread?
Possibly I'm only 3 hours sleep and 1 cup of coffee in today.
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