It's fine to occasionally go higher than you normally would during normal cycling (for me 3.45Vpc is "my in-usage 100%"),
maintenance purposes like manual top balancing.
3.60-3.65V will be high enough to get up into the steeper shoulder area of the curve.
Maine Sail actually tapered trailing amps (Absorption CV stage) to 0A in a recent thread, as a benchmark for (what I call) vendor / theoretical 100% SoC and for load testing.
That obviously needs a decent user-adjustable
power supply and if all done together in parallel, should be at a pretty high C rate.
Then let them rest as charged for say overnight, then separate them out and verify they're within .01V of each other, or if needed, make it so, can be a PITA with a substandard or worn second-hand set.
Then put into your parallel /
serial configuration for production use.
As long as you stay well under that top shoulder area in normal use, and C rates aren't too high, most people can just check cell-level balance once in a while, and find (with a good set of cells bought new) that re-balancing is never or at least very rarely needed.