Originally Posted by Sir Rondo Normal
Excellent, thanks again. The other thing is, in this set up, operating the ML-RBS to shut off both charge and load, which signal wire should I use from the BMS?
This is coming directly from the Orion
wiring Instructions with my comments in Red! The "Multi-Use Output" can be configured many ways.
Signal Name Description
1. Charge Enable Signal (Out)
This what I would use to “Enable” Charge-Bus – It would disconnect the HVC if the voltage gets too high
An open drain digital on/off signal used to signal to a load that the
load can charge the
battery. This would normally be used to
control regenerative breaking in a mobile application or enable a
solar or wind charge in a stationary application. This signal can be
used as a backup to digital CAN communication with a controller.
This is a signal current level (175mA max) and should be amplified
for controlling large contactors or relays (see
electrical specs.)
Power Source This
power source should be connected to a 12V - 48V nominal
power source whenever the BMS should be active for normal use.
This input must be fused at no more than 3A. The voltage on this
pin may not exceed 60V at any time.
3. Discharge Enable –
This would enable the Dis-Charge Bus (Load)- Disconnect if Voltage gets too low
Signal (Out)
An open drain digital on/off signal used to signal to a load that the
load can discharge the
battery. This would normally be used to
control a discharge contactor or to signal to a controller that
discharge must be stopped if this signal is not present. This signal
can be used as a backup to digital CAN communication with a
controller. This is a signal current level (175mA max) and should
be amplified for controlling large contactors or relays (see
electrical specs.)
4. CHARGE Power – Not used
5. Charge
Safety Signal – Not used
6. Power Ground This is the ground for the supply power for the BMS.
7. Multi Purpose Enable –
This would drive the “Main Contactor” circuit and would have a Higher Voltage setting than the “HVC-Charge-bus contactor”- Last ditch emergency disconnect if all else fails.
An open drain digital on/off signal with configurable behavior. This
is a signal current level (175mA max) and should be amplified for
controlling large contactors or relays (see electrical specs.) Please
see the
software manual for a complete list of available functions.
This output is watchdog backed and will turn off when certain
faults occur, regardless of programmed settings.
8. Thermistor Ground
One leg of each of the two thermistors should be grounded to this
ground. Both thermistors share this ground return.
9. Multi Purpose –
I would use this to drive the “Error” LED that would be in several highly visible locations
Output 1
The behavior of this multi-purpose output is configured in
for additional functionality. This output is often used to drive an
LED to indicate the presence of error codes, but can also be used
as a CAN controlled output as well as other functions. Please see
the software manual for a complete list of available functions. This
output is NOT watchdog backed and may remain on when certain
faults occur.