UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee decision on the Great Barrier Reef
The 46th session of the World Heritage Committee (46COM) was held 21-31 July 2024 in New Delhi,
The Committee adopted the
draft decision
[1] from UNESCO released in June 2024.
The decision
[1] recognises the increased action
Australia is taking to protect the Reef and that
Australia is delivering on our commitments.
It requests Australia to report back to the Committee in 2025 with an update on progress on actions to protect and manage the Reef.
It also requests Australia to provide a state of conservation report by 1 February 2026.
Although the words do not appear in document, the decision is that the GBR is [currently] not endagered.
UNESCO’s “List of World Heritage in Danger” is designed to inform the international community of conditions that threaten the characteristics for which a property was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Australia considers that, placing the
Great Barrier Reef on the List of World Heritage in
Danger, would not address, or improve outcomes, for the Reef.
Read more about UNESCO decisions, State Party Reports and other documents relating to the Reef.
[1] “Decision 45 COM 7B.13 - Great Barrier Reef (Australia) (N 154)”
[2] “List of World Heritage in Danger” ~ UNESCO
“The Great Barrier Reef Progress Report - 2024"
The key issues including actions to advance reef protection from climate change,
water quality and fisheries. Specific recommendations to address these issues include:
increased action to address the impact of climate change on the Reef
funding to support Reef
water quality
a need for sustainable fisheries, improved data validation and addressing threats to protected species from
fishing gear.
More about the Great Barrier Reef ➥ https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/154/