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Old 04-04-2021, 04:40   #16
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

While Jeanneau say my boat (43ds) is 13.21m i had to have a Survey when i changed the boat registration from SSR (Small Ships Register) to the full "Part 1" registration. The Survey shows 12.84m and this is what appears as the length on my Boat Registration doc. The latter is what i am always being asked for if i check in to a marina whether this is for 1-2 nights or a marina berthing contract for a year. It is the official doc which they always ask to see and which appears to govern and keep them happy so i get charged for the rate 12.00 - 12.99 m and not for the higher rate 13.00 - 13.99m. Same when having to pay for a mooring buoy. Sometimes a marina or buoy authority intentionally gives a discount by charging for a shorter length which in my case wld be 11-12m . Nobody has ever said they wish to measure my boat which is in Europe and has been in the Med for last 5 yrs but my bowsprit is removable, only in position when i need to use it, and my transom arch + dink-davit does not overhang the stern. So it is the official Registration doc which rules.
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Old 04-04-2021, 05:12   #17
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, condo, and WPregler.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"

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Old 04-04-2021, 07:15   #18
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Originally Posted by condo View Post
Does anyone have a monohull around 13.7 published LOA....................I'm very interested in the actual length of a Dufour 455 but any comparison would be useful?
The reported Dufour 455 LOA is 13.76 m from the reference below. I have a Hunter 46 which has a reported LOA of 14.05 m. It fits in 47 ft (14.33 m) slip because the bow pulpit extends beyond the LOA. If I install dinghy davits and/or attach a dinghy to it I would exceed the 47 ft berth length and would have to move to a longer slip.
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Old 04-04-2021, 07:25   #19
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

it's getting to the point, where, if a boat's shadow falls on the water, past davits, bowsprits, get's added to the "boat length"'s insane....

now, I see marina's charging you " extra" for the dock boxes....or an " environmental fee" etc....etc..etc....if they can find a way to milk an extra dollah outa your wallet...they'll findit...
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Old 04-04-2021, 07:42   #20
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Generally, when a marina asks, I tell them my boat is 38 feet, as that's what the published LOA is. But that's really LOD. If I measure the bolt on pulpit and swim platform, I come up with 42'4". If they want to measure for themselves, that's fine, but most don't. At my home slip, I pay for 40 feet. They're happy to take published length for the boat, but I'm in a slip with a 40 foot minimum length.

I have seen some charge by square footage. That one makes sense to me for marinas with paired slips and no center pilings, as the beam of one boat in a slip impacts what they can fit in the other slip of the pair.
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Old 04-04-2021, 07:44   #21
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

If I make a living renting dock space, why shouldn’t I charge by the actual amount of dock space used? Isn’t it like buying rope: you measure it and pay for what you use?
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Old 04-04-2021, 08:00   #22
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Originally Posted by Woodland Hills View Post
If I make a living renting dock space, why shouldn’t I charge by the actual amount of dock space used? Isn’t it like buying rope: you measure it and pay for what you use?

It depends on the slip layouts. For a face dock, length used directly impacts length available to use for other boats. For a slip pair with no center pilings, beam impacts available width for another boat. But for a slip pair with center pilings, a given slip is either "used" or "empty", as you can't put 2 boats in that block of space. So in those cases, it makes more sense to charge by slip size than boat size, as a 22 ft boat and a 50 ft boat effectively consume the same amount of space if placed in a 50 ft slip.

That all likely drives the differences in how various marinas charge, and why some are picky about length and others not so much. And width of fairways matters too, as a marina with narrow fairways will care more about boats sticking out of their slips.
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Old 04-04-2021, 08:54   #23
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Originally Posted by MicHughV View Post, I see marina's charging you " extra" for the dock boxes.............
My marina in Point Richmond, CA removed all the dock no extra charge.
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Old 04-04-2021, 10:51   #24
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

in my neck of the woods....

say you have your average sized 40' sailboat...and you "liveaboard"...that's
$22.50/ft....$900/month...for yearly contract....if you are there by the's $1,000/month
30 amp power/month $80, 50 amp, $115.00
tack on " environmental" fees, taxes, and other such crap, and you're looking at $1,200/month...

now add $4.50/gal fuel cost, $3.65/gal diesel...and you can see where the boating market is dying on it's feet...

I can remember some many years ago, when some smart aleck politician added a "luxury" tax to any boat over $100K....which is pretty much any boat today..virtually overnight.....people said fuggit....and the boating marker crashed...

and...they didn't have Covid back then....another blight on the sailboat market....

it's not looking good......on top of all the above, many boaters carry a mortgage, plus insurance, maintenance, etc....

and now we have anchorage restrictions on top of everything else...

I have no clue how this will all end......but I can't see light at the end of the tunnel anymore...
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Old 04-04-2021, 10:59   #25
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Covid may be a blight on the sailboat market, but the powerboat market is doing just fine. We have been approached at docks by brokers making cash offers of what we paid three years ago on two occasions. Both said they had multiple cash buyers looking for a Hatteras in our size, but none were available.
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Old 04-04-2021, 12:53   #26
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

when this Covid thing first broke out, the center console fishing boats were flying off the shelf..dealers couldn't keep up....
but now since gas prices at the marina are $4.50/gallon...those same boats are up for sale everywhere you look...
your average 300 hp boat....whether single or twin burning plus/minus 13 gal/hr at cruise...or right at $60/hr to operate...a day's outing is $2-300 in gas....
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Old 04-04-2021, 13:42   #27
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

Originally Posted by MicHughV View Post
when this Covid thing first broke out, the center console fishing boats were flying off the shelf..dealers couldn't keep up....
but now since gas prices at the marina are $4.50/gallon...those same boats are up for sale everywhere you look...
your average 300 hp boat....whether single or twin burning plus/minus 13 gal/hr at cruise...or right at $60/hr to operate...a day's outing is $2-300 in gas....
And you think that is a lot of money? I can assure you that to many here in the Keys and S Florida it’s not even walking around money. Their jet fuel bill from their home is 10x’s that amount and the hotel bill for the Captain and First Officer of their Gulfstream V is many times that per day for their fishing weekends.

I guess if you can only afford one or two motors on your boat, $2-300 a day may seem like a lot, but when you have three or four 400’s now and your new boat will have four new v-12 Mercs, well, fuel is not an issue.

We just had a party fly into Marathon from Texas for a weekend of fishing and she left a $10,000 tip for lunch at a local restaurant for a party of six. BTW, her local boat for winter play is a 55’ center console with four 450’s. There are others like it at her other homes too, but that’s what she keeps at her Marathon “cottage “.

Our financial overlords are doing quite well and COVID19 has been a huge windfall for them. There is a LOT of money washing around at the very top of our economy.
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Old 04-04-2021, 16:36   #28
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

we have the quad 350-450 hp fishing boats here as's beyond my financial grasp that is for sure...
do they catch more fish than I do...hmmmm....???

The reality is that I can go to the fish market and buy fresh fish for $6-7/lb....or try and catch it myself for $60/lb.....those big boats....maybe $600/lb....but what the hell...

I've had an opportunity to fish on these " mega" fishing boats, and there is no denying that they are superlative vessels...but I'm glad I wasn't footing the gas bill...

btw...that $10,000 tip made our local news....

I know the V12 mercs are out, but have yet to see them here...
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Old 04-04-2021, 17:34   #29
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length

It’s marketing and trying to get the most return on investment. A slip is a fixed space, so the owners of said slip want to maximize rental income. They have average boat sizes that go in each. They could charge x dollars flat fee for whoever goes in. Simpler, but it doesn’t market well. So in attempt to market well on a per foot basis, they have a low rate but measure longer and charge for amenities. I’m glad my bowsprit is retractable.
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Old 04-04-2021, 18:36   #30
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Re: LOA Vs actual chargeable length walked into a sports store that sells fishing gear ??

Greeting you, will be a counter with at least 100 reels of every type possible. Most all, now ablaze with gold, silver or chrome trim.
Next will be several aisles of fishing rods, again, of every type imaginable.
Then come the aisles and aisles of lures, and other fish " catching" enticements.

It's not difficult at all, to drop several $1,000 on a single rod/reel combo...and you have yet to catch a fish.

I took my brother-in-law to one of these places, who had never caught a fish in his life.
His eyes were ablaze at the glittering mass of fishing gear. His two sons were with him. Likewise their eyes were popping out of their heads. Like kids in a candy store.

When they finally walked out of there, they had in their arms, several $1,000's of gear....and were now ready to "fish". I watched in quiet amazement as the salesperson bamboozled them into believing they "needed" this, that and the other. There was no stopping them, no words of wisdom from me, nothing...they were under the "spell"

"Marketing" at it's best !!!!
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