Hi Everyone , I dont have any charts for Florida handy here in massachusetts ..Can anyone give me the nautical miles from Siesta Key [below Tampa ] to Key Largo ?
And where do we cut under the bridge to get out to the Atlantic Side .....Thanks For the help'
When I don't have charts handy I use Google Earth. It has a ruler function that you can set to nautical miles. Then use the path option so you can make the twists and turns. Your draft will determine your route.
As far as the bridge goes, it is necessary to know your air draft as that determines which bridges you can fit under.
the Bascule bridge that cuts the keys is located at N27.57.07, W80.35.15. It is know as Channel 5, I should be sailing it in the next couple of weeks headed from Tampa Bay to Key West
Not sure where siesta key is but the distance from the sea buoy at the Tampa Bay north channel to the channel 5 bridge is 221KNM. The route that follows the coast and through the everglades is shallow but there is a maintained channel. I've never been through that area but am looking forward to heading there soon.
KNM was fat fingers on my part.... should be NM...it's not a straight shot, from Tampa Bay to Key West is 183NM, but channel 5 is not in a straight line from Tampa Bay, one must curve around the capes, and once through Everglades National Park head NE to the south side of Plantation Key.
Also, the channel from East Cape to Plantation Key is listed on my chart as 8'
It is about 221 NM as previously statedm but you might consider going through moser channel. It is much easier and quicker. We typically use that channel and if needed fuel in Marathon. From there is is easy up Hawks channel to Key Largo.
If your mast is less than 65 ft.,you can go thru under the 7 mile bridge (just west of marithon)(that's vaca key to you) and go up the Hawk channel the rest of the way. This will make the trip easer on account-a you don't need to stay in a narrow winding channel or risk the dangers of Florida bay.