Jentine once whispered in the wind:
How much time do you have? The trip from Maryland to the Cape Cod Canal should be less than 36 hours. It is so much nicer to have your own boat.
Annapolis to C&D Canal approx 60 nautical miles
C&D Canal to Cape May, approx 60 nautical miles
Cape May to Block Island, approx 210 nautical miles
Block Island to Cape Cod Canal, approx 60 nautical miles
total distance 390 nautical miles
To make it in less than 36 hours, I would have to have an average VMG of about 11 knots or more.
My "hull speed" is about 7.2 knots, and I am using 5 knots average VMG for planning purposes (which means 78 hours of continuous sailing time). Of course, it all depends on the

(for me, it's another 140 nm to Boothbay Harbor, total distance about 530 nm, estimated sailing time 106 hours)