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Old 14-10-2024, 12:20   #1
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Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

I am looking for a longterm (3-6 months) monohull sailboat (40-48') rental through private owner. I live in Portland, Oregon but can start and end rental just about anywhere. Please contact me if interested. Will provide sailing resume upon request.
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Old 10-01-2025, 03:34   #2
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Curious to learn if this is something people would consider. Would love to cruise the carribean for a season but not immediately thinking about full time living aboard or full time cruising.

There must me monohulls or cats out there that are not being used for whatever valid reason the owner may have and are raking up fees for being on a dock or on land. Why not turn that into an opportunity to make money while another family (with sufficient sailing experience) enjoys the pleasures of cruising for a season.

Probably a lucky shot but keen to learn views from the community.
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Old 10-01-2025, 04:52   #3
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Personally, from POV of a boat owner, I don't think it's a viable optiion. So many things can go wrong that just to draw up a solid contract covering most contingencies would cost $1000s. Especially if the boat is well found. I can imagine an owner of a vessel in iffy shape being willing to transfer the maintenance headache to a paying customer for 3-6 months but not a boat in decent shape one expects of a charter.
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Old 10-01-2025, 05:58   #4
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Thanks for that feedback. Much appreciated.

While I do understand the concern I would argue that $1000 for a well drafted contract would be money well spend and worth the trouble when considering the overall economics of a 6 month charter.
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Old 10-01-2025, 06:43   #5
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

A "long term" sailboat lease is totally unlike an automobile lease.

With a car, all that needs happen is the contract says that the leasee will bring the car to the dealer for service on schedule and as needed. Everybody gets that. It's simple and easy.

A sailboat in use requires constant care, maintenance and repair. There are no dealers you can take it to and say: Fix everything and maintain everything. No sailboat can go for 6 months of constant use without a lot of knowledgeable care. Who is going to do that, and manage it?

I have seen so many new boat owners with what I have come to call the "Honda Syndrome". They have gone to their local Honda automobile dealer and plunked down cash for a new car. They stop in to have the oil changed and such as required, and drive it for 200,000 miles without a problem. They expect, having spent a lot more money on a boat, that the ownership experience will be similar. Those of us who own and use boats know this is an expectation that is totally primed for disappointment. The most extreme case I have seen was a $500,000 sailboat bought and never moved from the dock because the experience of ownership was so different than the expectation.
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Old 10-01-2025, 06:55   #6
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Being a boat owner myself I know that they take a lot of TLC. It's arguably more like renting out your house. It takes a lot of trust between both parties. We rented our house for over 3 years while being abroad and had a solid agreement with the tenants and trusted them. They took care of the house as we expected them to do without consulting us for every bit and piece that needed work. We were very happy with the whole set up.
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Old 10-01-2025, 07:05   #7
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

These posts come up every now and then. IMO the people asking don't understand the costs and the risks to the boat owner. That's understandable. I can't imagine anyone with a nice boat wanting to do this.
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Old 10-01-2025, 07:17   #8
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

You are right. I don’t but trying to learn and understand. Not trying to annoy anyone and understand this is maybe not something for anyone and everyone but maybe there are other opinions out there.
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Old 10-01-2025, 08:01   #9
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Your best option maybe is to approach some charter companies and work out a deal with them.
Personally if I had a boat and leased it the insurance costs would be huge as I would want every possibility covered so I reckon the cost to you would be in the region of €1500+/week for say a 36ft which would be around €40,000 for six months.
There's a member here with a 36ftr in good nick looking for a buyer at that price in the Caribe..

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Old 10-01-2025, 08:09   #10
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

It's a good idea, in theory, but just thinking about all the things I'd need to tell a renter to sail our very good old boat makes my head spin - "So when the front water tank runs out you have to prime with the foot pump and THEN switch to the back tank and continue pumping until the electric pump primes or else the electric pump will just run... and if the windlass jams while lifting the chain there's a hammer in the..." and on and on and on...
Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
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Old 10-01-2025, 08:42   #11
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

and then there is insurance.
some of the best times of my life were spent on a boat. it just took a long time to realize it.
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Old 11-01-2025, 08:41   #12
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Depending on what you're looking for, you might consider something like SailTime:

This would be a membership-based time-shared boat. You can take it out for day-sails, and also overnighters for a few days. Insurance, marina fees, & various other headaches are all rolled into the membership fee.

I have been on a few of their boats in St.Augustine, and the boats are relatively late-model, and well-maintained. When I was there in 2021, they had Jeanneau or Beneteau monohulls and some Lagoon cats. Other locations may do something different, but that's what I've seen in St.Aug.

If you're looking to sail a lot without buying, this may fit the bill.

If you're looking to just stay aboard every now & then, a lot of boats in FL are AirB&B'd.

If you want to live long-term on a boat at the dock, there are several for lease as small apartments.

If you're looking to both live aboard & also sail ... well - that might be a tall order to fill. Probably only available via private owner (just a guess).
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Old 11-01-2025, 10:44   #13
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

So basically a longish bareboat charter arrangement with all the legal, liability insurance, maintenance, certification of competency, sales / use tax, and property and income taxation reporting, etc. matters.

And the boat owner may need to obtain a chartering license to fulfill their contractual obligations and requirements.

This is a straight business relationship, not a borrowing of a boat situation.

Don't perceive it anything other than what it is.

Department of Revenue State of Washington

Bare boat charter
A bare boat charter is renting or leasing a vessel to a customer, who then has total control of the vessel. The boat owner or the charter business cannot provide a captain or crew or be present on the vessel during the charter.

Vessel owners can place some general restrictions on vessel operation, such as requiring the lessee to hire a licensed skipper, limiting the number of passengers on board, and limiting where the vessel can be operated. To avoid tax liability for intervening use, the boat owner cannot be on board as a skipper, crew member, or guest.

Reference: WAC 458-20-211

Tax on boats purchased for bare boat charter
Vessels purchased solely for bare boat charters are purchases for resale and are exempt from sales tax. Sellers must retain a reseller permit in their records documenting the exempt sale.

The purchaser will be subject to use tax (based on the total value of the boat) if they engage in intervening use of the boat. If the boat owner is on board as a skipper, crew member, or guest, it is considered intervening use. Charter boat owners or charter businesses are not treated as vessel dealers. Intervening use of a charter boat is taxed on the full value, not the rental value.

Intervening use doesn't include activities in support of a bare boat charter business such as maintenance, fueling or delivery activities. Such activities won’t trigger use tax liability. This is consistent with "dealer use."

Purchaser requirements
Purchasers of documented vessels for bare boat charter are generally required to complete and file a Commercial Vessel Tax Personal Property Listing Application with the Department of Revenue. This requires that the business that owns the vessel is registered with the Department of Revenue. Apply for a business license online.

Bare boat charter tax reporting
The following scenarios represent the two most common business methods and how the activities are reported.

1. Company A leases boats from the boat owners and sub-leases them to the public.

Company A collects sales tax on bare boat charter fees and reports their gross receipts under the retailing B&O tax classification. The vessel owners report wholesaling B&O tax on gross income from the lease to Company A.

In this scenario, the owner may lease back the vessel from Company A and pay sales tax on the fair market rental rate.

2. Company B is an agent (but not lessee) for the vessel owner and provides charter management services.

Company B collects sales tax on the bare boat charter fees and reports its commission earned under the service and other activities B&O tax classification. The charter fees are reported as follows:

Owners using a charter agent that charters in the name of the boat owner must report under retailing B&O tax and retail sales tax. If the charter agent remits the sales tax to the Department, the owner may take a deduction from retail sales tax. On the deduction detail pages, identify the deduction as “sales tax reported by agent.” See WAC 458-20-159.
Owners using a charter agent that charters in the name of the charter agent report under wholesaling B&O tax. In this situation the boat owner must obtain a reseller permit from the charter agent. See WAC 458-20-102.

The owner reports their gross receipts, without any deduction for amounts paid to or withheld by Company B as compensation for their services. Here it is assumed that Company B will remit the sales tax collected directly to the Department of Revenue with its excise tax returns.

When Company B acts as an agent for a vessel owner, the owner cannot use the vessel without incurring a use tax liability on the fair rental value base on the full value of the vessel. The only way that a boat owner can use the boat for personal pleasure and not owe sales or use tax based on the value of the boat is, before any pleasure use by owner has occurred, to lease the boat to a third party on a long term lease, then lease back the boat for shorter periods of time. In this case the owner pays sales tax based on fair rental value for the period of personal use. See WAC 458-20-211.

Additionally, the owner may not allow employees of the owner to use the vessel for their pleasure at no charge, or for a charge below fair market value. This will be considered intervening use by the owner.

References: WAC 458-20-159, WAC 458-20-178 and WAC 458-20-211 and Taxability of the Charter Boat Industry Special Notice
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Old 13-01-2025, 07:16   #14
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Originally Posted by Hallymar View Post
I am looking for a longterm (3-6 months) monohull sailboat (40-48') rental through private owner. I live in Portland, Oregon but can start and end rental just about anywhere. Please contact me if interested. Will provide sailing resume upon request.
From another thread
Originally Posted by Hallymar
I'm a 57 year old novice sailor looking for a crew position for a west coast to Hawaii crossing. I'm available between May-July 2025. I have been sailing 22-48' monohauls since 2020. I have ASA 101, 103, 104 certifications and have skippered week long bareboat charters in Bahamas, San Juan/Gulf Islands, Greece and Croatia. I am looking for Blue Water Cruising experience as I plan to buy my own boat one day to do some global cruising.

Forget it. No private owner would bear that risk does what the name says.
Price start at 7+k USD per month for a 2016 Elan 40ft in low season. Bigger and high season is more in the 15 to 20k USD range

Maybe you can draft a deal with some bigger charter company during low season.
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Old 13-01-2025, 07:32   #15
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Re: Wanted: Longterm private monohull rental

Thanks. I get the picture and are indeed already in touch with charter companies to see what is (or isn't) possible.

Just still strikes me as odd that there apparently is no way to build this into a business relation (as one of the posters mentioned) that could work for both parties. Not looking for a friendly gesture or a philantropic relationship here.

Anyway it is what it is. Moving on!
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