Planning a long weekend trip (3 days+nights) from
Annapolis very soon aboard a FP
Orana 44. Have gotten some input but thought I'd check here too. My general thinking is to have one day/night at
anchor (solitude) and one day/night docked someplace (sight seeing).
A friend (owner of the
boat I'm chartering) suggested the following two plans which allow some flexibility wrt.
1. Sail to St. Michaels on day 1 (all day?). Spend some time on St. M on day 2 (AM) then sail up the Wye river (afternoon + eve) for some swimming and solitude.
2. Sail over to Tilghman Creek on day 1 (for some seclusion that afternoon and evening) then down to St. M for day 2 (again for afternoon + evening).
Day 3 would be sailing back to
Annapolis either way.
The thing I'm not sure about is the the distance and time it takes to get to eitehr St. M or Tilghman creek. The first itinerary seems longer as the distance from T creek to St. M seems about as far as Annapolis to St. M.
So I'm leaning towards suggestions #1.
Anyhow, curious to hear some other suggestions. I haven't sailed the Chesapeake much and part of this trip is somewhat of an
experiment both to explore the area AND turn on some friends to sailing.