Originally Posted by dfelsent
Usually. There are many rivers where the pots are what you have to follow.
But I will agree enough with you to emphasize USUALLY.
I acknowledge that you spend more time in Maine waters than I do.
The problem with believing the pots are in deep
water is that the bugs don't care about
depth and once they "
come-in" from the deeper
winter waters. They are literally everywhere.
They especially love the rock & kelp gardens surrounding ledges, shoals etc. and traps are often set that can only be pulled at 1/2 to 3/4 tide or better, even from a 2.5'
draft lobster
boat. Young
kids, running singles, will often
fish in
water so shallow you can touch the trap at low tide.
Please don't trust that pot buoys are in deep water or that the bugs are only in deep water. One of my biggest hauls (17 keepers in one trap) was in water so shallow you could only pull the trap at half tide or more.