I think it should be noted that most marina's sell non-ethanol laced
In the US, gasoline has 5% ethanol added to it...most cars use the 87 octane gas...
Ethanol has been shown to " eat" plastic, so it's use in the marine
environment is discouraged. Ethanol free gas is typically 89 octane.
Our local marina sells non-ethanol 89 octane gas at $4.50/gallon. Diesel
fuel is running at $3.65/gal.
Prior to the election, fuel prices at the marina has been around $3.95/gal, so the 55c/gal increase has all been relatively recent.
This is really hurting the small
fishing boat industry, as your average 300 hp
boat is burning 15 gal/hr at
cruise...or about $68/hr....