Pam, As Rick said, Great Harbor is the best all around protection from the fronts in the Berry's.
Wind directions as the fronts pass will determine what other
anchorages will be suitable. The fronts can't be predicted this far in advance so you might experience very few or you may find them blowing for days or even weeks at a time. I assume you mean you will
cruise between the Berry's and Bimini and not "commute".
Weather conditions will keep you in one place for extended periods of time and the sail between Bimini and the Berry's is a very long day in open
water, probably leaving from your departure point or arriving at your
destination in the dark. Any anchorage on the west side of the islands will be very uncomfortable in westerly winds and the east facing
anchorages in east winds. Some anchorages will have a very uncomfortable surge during frontal passages and there will be strong currents to account for. Having said all this, the Berry's are one of our favorite areas in the
Bahamas. These are the reasons most boaters do the Berry's in the spring when the
weather is more benign. We cover details on the anchorages, including chartlets, for the Berry's in our Bahamas anchorage guide. Chuck