Originally Posted by robgrant1
Another $320 at extension time or does the initial payment cover it?
Visas are free. The $20 was two
pets at $10. You will get a maximum of 240 consecutive days (8x30, which they count) before you have to get some form of residency
Renewal of the cruising
permit (your
boat didn't leave) after the first year is $500. I don't know what the smaller
boat (150 initial) renewal costs...
No more than two renewals on the boat before you have to
import it. But bouncing over to T&C or US or
Cuba and back gets you back in, starting the clock over again.
And, the only time we did the renewal (we'd flown in and out with the boat on a rental
dock so visas weren't an issue), the lady at C&I questioned me several times when I told her I needed to renew; it appeared she was discretely telling me to tell THEM that I'd arrived from someplace, and just get a new cruising permit. YMMV if you choose to take that
route (pretend you've just arrived), but it would have saved us $200...