16-02-2022, 08:56
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by jackdale
Obama's home is on a pond, not oceanfront. It is about 10 feet above sea level. It will take some time before it is underwater.
Well, yes, the North Atlantic has been referred to as "The Pond".
WhatsMyElevation lists the elevation of their home as being 3 feet above sea level.
16-02-2022, 08:59
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by hedgeworth
Growing up in Florida I spent a lot of time racing sailboats in and around Miami. Never did I noticed the flooding they have there now. They’re talking about spending billions on pumps because every time it rains there now Collins Avenue becomes impassible. They are certainly not spending all those Benjamins just because of some thing they read on CNN. It’s because the water is up to their knees every time it rains
Collins Ave sank 2.5ft since 1920
16-02-2022, 09:05
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by jackdale
Obama's home is on a pond, not oceanfront. It is about 10 feet above sea level. It will take some time before it is underwater.
Now he has two.... Maybe he knows something you don't.
16-02-2022, 09:10
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by hedgeworth
That’s interesting. Thanks
Just who was keeping track of 'emissions' in China and the USA in 1850-1900????????????????????or is it one of those "Projections"??or "Models" lol
16-02-2022, 09:13
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by Siberian Sea
I’m from Alaska and secretly we are all somewhat excited about the prospect of climate warming up a bit.
Yep. "Alaskans for Global Warming" was a popular bumper sticker.
16-02-2022, 09:19
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
The oceans are rising which I believe is factual and a normal cycle. I don't believe there is anything that man can do to stop that. All we can do is adapt which man has done for eons. The Earth has been covered by water in the past and probably will be in the future. So, don't wait; go out and buy that boat asap.
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
16-02-2022, 09:21
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by Ericson38
0.31ft is 3 3/4 inches. Montanan sez 12 inches. Someting rotten in Denmark.
16-02-2022, 09:21
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by geoleo
Collins Ave sank 2.5ft since 1920
Please don’t be pedantic. The whole area floods now if it rains during high tide. It didn’t used to.
Or maybe you think the whole island is sinking?
16-02-2022, 09:25
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by MicHughV
I don't get the whole climate change thing....
The weather is the weather is the weather....it gets hot...it gets cold....it gets windy...it doesn't get windy....we move closer to the sun...we move further away..we get hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami's....earth tilting.....etc...
For sure, everybody has an opinion....even "flat earther's" can spout a bunch of reasons to support their belief...
Just let it be.....the only thing " constant" about the weather, is that we know it will "change" by the next day...
I find long range weather predictions to be laughable.....anyone here ever got a weather prediction that was good for more than 2 days to plan a sailing trip.....ha ha ha...c'mon, seriously,......
It might be helpful for you to distinguish the difference between “ weather” and the word “ climate “ !
16-02-2022, 09:33
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Boats float, [or at least good boats float]; shorelines with rising sea levels, not so much.
Salt water intrusion along the coast lines continues to occur at accelerated rates leading to many areas of ghost forests and salted coastal farmlands, and more and more instances of high tide and rainy storm floodings of urban streets and properties. Also, apparent is the transitioning and constrained migration of coastal wetlands.
If one is at all observant, these occurrences are readily apparent. If one opts to not be observant, then one continues to be ignorant or naive about the reality.
For those in flood prone areas, y'all likely have seen a large increase in flood insurance costs. $$$$ = Reality.
Salt Intrusion Threatens Vital American Coastal Wetlands
Published: February 11, 2022
"CHESAPEAKE BAY, Maryland, February 11, 2022 (ENS) – In the eternal struggle between the ebb and flow of tides, high tides now have the upper hand as the sea is encroaching on land, rising as the climate warms. As the sea-level rises, valuable coastal wetland ecosystems are being lost to the sea due to salt poisoning.
Coastal wetlands are constantly saturated with salt water and plants that live there have adapted to harsh, ever-changing environments. These wetlands flourish in coastal watersheds at or just above sea-level and include a variety of ecosystems – fresh and saltwater marshes, seagrass beds, mangrove swamps, and forested swamps."
16-02-2022, 09:35
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by N Coast Murray
SO you are very "alarmed" what are you going to do about it???
16-02-2022, 09:52
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by Montanan
This Technical Report is the latest product of the Interagency Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazard and Tool Task Force, which includes members from the following agencies:
Could it be that those peeps employed in all those agencies think their jobs depend on following the Narraties???
16-02-2022, 09:52
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by peter57
Jack, can you produce empirical data for the world's climate warming? The answer is NO! unless you take 0.13 degree C rise in temperature per year since 1979 from Satellite data as dangerous warming? But this is in the range of natural warming and when most of the C02 has been added to the atmosphere.
Yes you can
From Berkeley Earth
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16-02-2022, 09:53
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by geoleo
Could it be that those peeps employed in all those agencies think their jobs depend on following the Narraties???
No. Skeptics are also government funded. Roy Spencer gets all of his research funding from NOAA, NASA and DOE.
CRYA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor Evaluator, Sail
IYT Yachtmaster Coastal Instructor
As I sail, I praise God, and care not. (Luke Foxe)
16-02-2022, 09:54
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Re: US coasts sea level rise 10 to 12 inches by 2050
Originally Posted by hedgeworth
Please don’t be pedantic. The whole area floods now if it rains during high tide. It didn’t used to.
Or maybe you think the whole island is sinking?
According to local surveyors entire Miami Beach has sunk, and will continue to sink, This is what you get when you put hundreds of huge heavy hi rise buildings on a swamp.
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