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Old 23-08-2011, 08:04   #1
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How Are You Preparing for Hurricane Irene ?

Never having to prepare for and/or weather a hurricane, I was wondering what east coast cruisers are doing to prepare for Irene?
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Old 23-08-2011, 08:48   #2
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Re: How are you preparing for hurricane Irene?

Me and my boat have gone through several, including Rita, and Ike. I bought a set of "hurricane lines". 16 * 90 ft lines for a 36' boat. These are heavy duty 1" nylon lines with chaff protectors.

I also found a good hurricane hole where the boat would be in moderately deep protected water, with nearby stout pilings to tie off to, a bonus was several tall buildings that break the wind.

When landfall is imenent I strip the boat, all canvas, everything of value, anything I don't want to dive for, and anything not permanently fastened to the boat. Lash all loose items that can wiggle, or flap.

I tie a "spiderweb" of lines, all lines are doubled. 8 spring lines, 8 bow lines, 8 crossed stern lines. Each point is tied to a different piling in case of piling failure. I get the projected storm surge from the weather reports,...add a couple of feet, and measure the slack in the lines so they will not be taut at storm peak, (use trig:IE 8 ft from piling during a 15ft surge= 8^2 + 15^2 SQRT/2 = 11 ft line from cleat to piling. Insure the boat cannot impact piling with the amount of calculated slack, and tie line up piling 1/2 projected surge IE 8ft for 15 ft surge.

Double check cleats for wear before hurricane season, also check condition of lines. After I finish prepping boat I insure all hatches are sealed, batteries are charged, bilge pumps are working, and wave good bye, as I motor to shore in dinghy, (that is taken to a storage unit far from the coast).

After storm is over I drive by to see if it is still there, but do not move it until debris is cleared from waterways back to marina. After Ike; the marina I stay at was completely gone. It took several weeks to find a new marina that survived and had openings.
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