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Old 19-05-2022, 08:28   #61
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by seandepagnier View Post
Thanks, you have further validated my belief that these rich abusers (basically all cruisers) have no right to use combustion engines in their boats.
After a career protecting your rights such as being able to voice that opinion . I have earned the right to do as I please in my retirements.
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Old 19-05-2022, 19:16   #62
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by Celestialsailor View Post
I was commenting on some misinformation regard someone’s inquiry of humans causing an ice age. You can spin it anyways you want it to suit your political or otherwise personal culture. The overwhelming scientific evidence is in and points the finger at industrialized humans

I do not think quoting facts is "spinning" anything in any way. Quoting misinformation to counter misinformation, OTOH?....
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Old 19-05-2022, 19:40   #63
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by GordMay View Post
Technically true, over earth's history - but totally irrelevant to mankind.

The Ice Age became truly bipolar around the Pliocene/Quaternary boundary, a little under three million years ago, LONG before the rise of humanity.

The proportion of true ‘glacial’ time [mostly unipolar], in the last 100 million years, however, may be taken as about one-third.

Prior to the Oligocene, and into the Mesozoic, the world had little [or no] polar ice. Probably, there were small amounts of ice, at least part of the time, for even in the late Cretaceous [generally regarded as a ‘greenhouse’ time] there were oscillations in sea level, of a few tens of metres, that seem best ascribed to the melting, and re-forming of small polar icecaps.

The proportion of true ‘glacial’ time (even if mostly essentially unipolar) in the last 100 million years, however, may be taken as about one-third.

Humanity may have evolved in the midst of an ice age (along with a bunch of other species that are no longer with us) but it did take the warming of an interglacial as the catalyst to allow them to figuratively spread their wings.

Also, the three million years thing is interesting in relation to CO2. Present levels of the stuff are at the same mark as way back then, it seems...
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Old 19-05-2022, 19:51   #64
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by SeaRags View Post
I remember when it was called global warming, now it's called climate change. I guess in preparation for when the natural cycle starts going in the other direction.
You can thanks GOP strategist Frank Luntz for the attempted rebranding.

We have spent the last seven years examining how best to communicate complicated ideas and controversial subjects. The terminology in the upcoming environmental debate needs refinement, starting with “global warming” and ending with “environmentalism.” It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation.
1. “Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming.” As one focus group participant noted, climate change “sounds like you’re going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale.” While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge.
[ARCHIVE] 2002 Memorandum to Bush White House, by GOP Consultant Frank Luntz (17p) | Aviation Impact Reform

The IPCC has been around since 1988. Care to guess what the CC stands for?

Natural cycles (Milankovitch and solar cycles) would have us cooling. We are warming.

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Old 19-05-2022, 19:53   #65
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by Reefmagnet;3625900

Also, the three million years thing is interesting in relation to CO2. Present levels of the stuff are at the same mark as way back then, it seems... [URL=""[/URL]
From the link to which you posted

the last time Earth’s atmosphere contained the amount of carbon dioxide present today, Antarctica was a plant-covered oasis, sea levels were an estimated 10 to 20 meters higher, and global temperatures were an average of 2 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer. In the Arctic, summer temperatures were a full 14 degrees higher than they are now.
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Old 19-05-2022, 20:00   #66
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by Reefmagnet View Post

Interestingly, the poles have been ice free for much longer than they have been frozen over, CO2 levels have possibly never been lower than in the recent era and the current ice age has been around for about the last 250000 years by most estimates and is still going strong.
The last time CO2 levels were this high was 4 million years ago.

Bova, S., Rosenthal, Y., Liu, Z. et al. Seasonal origin of the thermal maxima at the Holocene and the last interglacial. Nature 589, 548–553 (2021).

Osman, M.B., Tierney, J.E., Zhu, J. et al. Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature 599, 239–244 (2021).

Technical Note: Past and future warming – direct comparison on multi-century timescales
Clim. Past, 18, 911–917, 2022
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Old 19-05-2022, 21:33   #67
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by jackdale View Post
From the link to which you posted

Not sure what you're trying to demonstrate other than the climate isn't as static as some like to think.

Might want to take a few minutes of extra Googling to check out the meaning of a geological era, too.
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Old 19-05-2022, 21:40   #68
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by Reefmagnet View Post
Not sure what you're trying to demonstrate other than the climate isn't as static as some like to think.
No climate scientist has claimed that the climate is static.

Might want to take a few minutes of extra Googling to check out the meaning of a geological era, too.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the Anthropocene.

Working Group on the ‘Anthropocene’ | Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy
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Old 19-05-2022, 22:16   #69
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by jackdale View Post
No climate scientist has claimed that the climate is static.

Welcome to the Anthropocene.

Working Group on the ‘Anthropocene’ | Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy
The anthropocene what a load of bs . We are still in the holocene interglacial warm period but exiting fast.
Calling this the anthropocene is a purely political move .
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Old 20-05-2022, 04:17   #70
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by newhaul View Post
The anthropocene what a load of bs . We are still in the holocene interglacial warm period but exiting fast.
Calling this the anthropocene is a purely political move .
To say that Calling this the anthropocene [which means "Age of Man"] is a purely political move, is, perhaps itself, a political judgement. You are assuming motives.

The definitive geologic time scale chart is created by the International Commission on Stratigraphy [ICCS], which is part of the International Union of Geological Sciences [IUGS].
The ICS time scale is the basis for all other geologic time scales that are created, such as the Geological Society of America's chart.

These time scale units are called geochronologic units, [geo = geology + chronologic = arranged in order from the earliest to the most recent].

The Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) is a constituent body of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), the largest scientific organisation, within the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).

According to the [linked] ICS/SQS document:
“... The Anthropocene is not currently a formally defined geological unit within the Geological Time Scale; officially we still live within the Meghalayan Age of the Holocene Epoch. A proposal to formalise the Anthropocene is being developed by the AWG...
... The Anthropocene has emerged as a popular scientific term used by scientists, the scientifically engaged public, and the media, to designate the period of Earth’s history during which humans have a decisive influence on the state, dynamics and future of the Earth System. It is widely agreed that the Earth is currently in such a state ...”

Eons, or Eonothems, are the largest division of time, lasting thousands of millions of years. The eons are: the Phanerozoic [current eon], and the Precambrian eons, of the Proterozoic, Archean, and Hadean.

Eras, or Erathems, are the subdivisions of eons. They are more on the scale of hundreds of millions of years. The eras are: Cenozoic [current]; Mesozoic; Paleozoic; Neo-, Meso-, and Paleo-proterozoic; and Neo-, Meso-, Paleo-, and Eo-archean.

Periods, also referred as "systems", are the subdivisions of eras and typically last tens of millions of years. Some of the more famous epochs include the: Quaternary [current], Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, and Devonian.

Epochs, also referred to as "series", are the subdivisions of periods. Epochs tend to be a several million years in length. Many epochs are simply titled "Upper", "Middle", or "Lower" along with their period name (e.g. the Upper Triassic). "Upper" refers to the youngest part of the period and "Lower" refers to the oldest part of the period.
The Holocene is the current geological epoch.

It is the latter epoch of the Quaternary period, extending from approximately 11.7 thousand years ago to present times.[& continuing]. The Holocene begins at the end of the last major ice age and marks a "warm period" between ice ages. The Holocene is characterized with variable climate changes, from both natural and anthropogenic [human] causes.
Ages, also referred to as "stages", are the smallest units of geologic time, and are usually only a few million years in length. The present age is the Meghalayan.

The "Anthropocene, or Anthropogene"* [Age of Man] is [so far] an unofficial unit of time, used to describe the most recent period in Earth’s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet’s climate, and ecosystems.

* The suffix "-cene" is used for geological epochs, which is what the Holocene is, and "-gene" is used for geological periods [epochs are subdivisions of periods].
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Old 20-05-2022, 04:47   #71
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

I blame Frank’s Hot Red Sauce and cow farts.
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Old 20-05-2022, 05:03   #72
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

2020 ➥
2022 [below]

See also:
“Involve social scientists in defining the Anthropocene” ~ by Erle Ellis, Mark Maslin, Nicole Boivin & Andrew Bauer
”... The Anthropocene Working Group of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (of which one of us, E.E., is a member) announced in August that over the next three years it will divide Earth's story into two parts: one in which humans are a geological superpower — an epoch called the Anthropocene — and the other encompassing all that came before our species had a major influence on Earth's functioning.
Where to put the transition is being debated...”
More ➥

Gord May
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Old 20-05-2022, 05:06   #73
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Kill a cow this long weekend. Most people like med rare.

I love Google science threads

Google this 4500 years ago the Indian Ocean reverses it’s current turning recently stolen land into a desert which was once lush with grain and rivers. India received annual monsoons completely changing India’s environment. In Yemen in a dry river bed are Gris stones made in Celtá scroll work. It’s interesting that it appears that current change created one of the two oldest out of Africa explorers flourished.

I read a theory if the Gulf Stream slowed the North Pole would shift to mid North Atlantic.
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Old 20-05-2022, 05:29   #74
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

I'm close to putting my own thread on ignore. That's fine... carry on, I know it's fun for some. I just can't remain calm in the face of all the politicking of science.
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Old 20-05-2022, 05:41   #75
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Re: Climate change may be driving increases in many ocean current speeds

Originally Posted by Mike OReilly View Post
I'm close to putting my own thread on ignore. That's fine... carry on, I know it's fun for some. I just can't remain calm in the face of all the politicking of science.

I hear ya...the first page and a half were actually interesting. Then the usual characters came out. It was a worthwhile topic and thank you for that. Lets get back to debating anchors...
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