16-07-2021, 12:45
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by Thumbs Up
With two category 5 hurricanes in a row hitting the very country we are working to destabilize, and now heat bubbles, even moderately brainwashed citizens should be questioning if we do weather control. Since the heat bubble passed over last month, there hasn't been a single contrail in the sky. Explain that.
Trump banned them, along with vaccinations.
If those white trails of vapor you see pouring out of planes were actually nasty chemical or biological agents, that governments were using to geo-engineer the weather, create a vast electromagnetic super-weapon, control the population, or a message from time-traveling aliens, describing the secret of teleportation ...
Certainly, the danger must have passed, because.
Trump Promises end of chemtrails
➥ https://chronicle.su/news/trump-prom...of-chemtrails/
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
16-07-2021, 12:59
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Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
The tinfoil hat effect is strong in this thread
Interested in smart boat technology, networking and all things tech
16-07-2021, 14:29
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
I should get my mother-in-law to post on this thread...y'all don't know it, but is she that one person on this planet that knows everything about everything...and it's all dangerous, unhealthy, bad for you, sickening, violent, no good, un-sanitary, illegal, unnecessary, stupid, democratic blunders (she is a die-hard Trumpist), and a few other things I've likely forgotten....
Every time I leave for a trip with her daughter on board, I get a ration of grief from her. In her mind, the safest place for her daughter, is by her side, in her house, 24/7, no ifs, ands and buts...in her mind, any sailor, that sets foot out on the ocean in a tiny boat, that would be me, is an idiot.
She stays in constant touch with us, and will advise us, if it's raining in Alaska, portending stormy weather us in for the Caribbean, etc.
I explain to her that the recent floods in Germany is why I have a boat....like Noah's ark, I plan to rise with the floods to freedom.
She can spot a hurricane before it even leaves the coast of Africa, thus, with her as my weather guru, I have no worries....changes in tropical cyclone activity is a breeze for her...
I'd share her weather prognosis with y'all.....but then again....maybe not...
16-07-2021, 15:16
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Thats a cool article on the moon wobble. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm trying to stay out of this thread, but that article serves as a reminder that there is much more to understanding climate and natural events than most of us would immediately imagine.
Regarding the heat bubble, I happened to be in Vancouver, Canada the week of the "heat bubble." I live 40 miles south of Vancouver. I feel it was an absurd hysteria whipped up by the News - right down to "expert" opinions about climate change (all pro) being doled out by whatever passers by they could get on camera. As for Lyton fire, yes, it was tragic. But a quick Google search will reveal that the previous high that was allegedly shattered occurred almost 100 years previous and was beaten by all of .5 degree. Yes, thats POINT five. The notion that the Lytton fire was somehow the result of the high as if it caused spontaneous ignition or something is absurd on the face of it. Wood ignites at more than 450 degrees. The notion that it was related to Climate Change seems a bit dubious when the historical record shows the same temperatures 100 years ago. Towns and cities all over the US and Canada regularly hit temperatures in the 100's and pretty much always have. None of them spontaneously ignite and never have. The best working theory I've seen is that a freight train rolled through with some kind of an issue with the brakes that was throwing red hot sparks and had possibly ignited the train car itself, which was then throwing burning hot pieces off. That was the likely cause of the tragedy, not climate change or heat bubbles. That is being shown and discussed in British Columbia - has whatever News source you use bothered to follow up with that story or have they left the reader to assume it is somehow Climate Change? And before anyone says the record-breaking heat caused by Climate Change dried things out, know that the PNW is *always* extremely dry in the Summer. There is literally more rain in Tucson, Arizona than the PNW in Summer. That (generally) is why we always have lots of fires here *every* year - the forest gets dry. Add to that that we have far, far more people going into those forests every Summer to camp, build homes, etc., and we are bound to have Forest Fires - Human caused, not climate change caused. That, and we have endless forests to have catch on fire. Does anyone really believe an extra one or two degrees of heat for a week suddenly evaporates the critical last traces of water from a stick that is literally sodden with moisture for the previous eight months? You know what we hear in the Winter here? Climate Change is why we are getting so much rain and flooding. See the issue?
Another wrinkle to consider is that Canada is in the midst of a human and political crisis that is very real and that the Trudeau government and people of Canada have a strong interest in distracting people (and themselves) from - they are finding the bodies of Indigenous children which they (as a country and Trudeau's father as a government) participated in killing and burying for the past 100 years. The people and News understandably almost seemed to welcome something to focus on other than a very real human tragedy literally in their own backyard and of their country's own making. The historic setting of a temperature half a degree above a 100 year old record allowed them to think and talk about something else, and point their finger at some nameless, faceless, non-Canadian villain for a few minutes instead of gazing into the soul of their own country and it's immediate past. I felt guilty knowing it had been going on while I was making forays into BC to drink as a 19 year old, I can't imagine what many a native born Canadian must be feeling.
So, I'll repeat more or less the same things I said before - No one holds the corner on knowledge about the Earth's climate. A little research from true scientific sources - say NOAA - provides plenty of information that conflicts with that regularly put out by News organs. IMHO the greatest danger to all of us is the manipulation through ignorance and propaganda of humans by other humans. Having differing opinions and values is one thing, dehumanizing others and thinking they are inferior isn't theoretically dangerous, it is historically proven to be deadly. Most recently, in the land of the "heat bubble."
16-07-2021, 15:18
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by JC Reefer
The “scientific” community that is producing those papers, figures and charts are largely funded by studies where the goal is to find cases where man is causing climate problems.
It’s simple fear mongering. I, myself have witnessed several cases where the outside temperature was much cooler then it typically is for the time of year.
Those fat-cat scientists are really out to sell more books and get more funding which is easier to do when there is doom and gloom to be afraid of.
This site explains why MMGW is not real…
Did you really just cite a website from same group of people that think the earth is flat? SMH
16-07-2021, 19:43
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
SuW, a nimrod has two meanings in the Oxford Dictionary.
I prefer the english meaning, if you don't mind.
The floodings referred to in this thread, is flooding from the sea, you know - sea water.
This is a sailing forum, not a river rafting forum.
If you read german, you will find this article a proof of the new religion strategy, when a big photo of Santa Greta Thunberg is posted, relating these floodings to the climate changes in a snap. Not exactly a scientific proof of colliding weather systems.
If you don't read german, just look at the photos.
Taxpayers pay the research of climate changes.
Those who try to see things a different way (sun/moon cycles and wobbles, and cosmic events, etc.), are expelled from grabbing in this pot of free gold.
Governments even spend money to KEEP them away !
Taxpayers pay for ALL the changes that the governments says is needed to be done to reduce CO2, and will result in no changes anyway.
World weather is regulated by many other factors than a little extra puff of CO2.
Recently, the EU says that we need 3 bill. more trees in Europe.
That is wise spending to me, as plants love CO2.
But the rest of tax spending initiatives ("green taxes") are mostly pure nonsense, just moving a problem to somewhere else.
An example :
Electric cars are not as green as some think.
Where they drive, there are less pollution. Good in cities.
But the manufacturing and digging for (sometimes exotic) materials are not "green".
So far, we also have to prostitute ourselves to China, as they have most of the lithium required for the batteries. And they don't mind the heavy pollution of mining in their backyards.
Taxes - in the West we pay for the "changes" to "green".
In China - they are building more coal fired power plants to provide you with toasters and cheap stuff. We have just moved the problem from our backyard to theirs.
But we all breathe the same air.
16-07-2021, 20:18
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by carstendenmark
SuW, a nimrod has two meanings in the Oxford Dictionary.
I prefer the english meaning, if you don't mind.
The floodings referred to in this thread, is flooding from the sea, you know - sea water.
This is a sailing forum, not a river rafting forum.
And where did that river water come from? The sky? Get real.
I don't disagree about consumerism, cross-border pollution and misplaced research/taxes (which is corruption).
However, you and others might be completely wrong about the overall seriousness of climate changes happening in our lifetime.
We see massive changes to eco-systems on the planet, largely driven by people using fossil energy at an ever increasing rate.
I said before, it's like Pascal's Wager; what if you're wrong?
16-07-2021, 20:33
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by stark
Did you really just cite a website from same group of people that think the earth is flat? SMH
I know, it was fun looking for a source that’s really pushing the theory. Far more sites then necessary trying to debunk the ideas. Search it in google and you’ll see.
Entertaining stuff. All the answers are there… [emoji39]
16-07-2021, 20:37
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
I don't see "massive changes", just small ripples on the surface.
Seen in a historic perspective (a few hundred million years).
Doesn't mean that these ripples are induced just by human introduced greenhouse gases. There may something bigger in the game.
I like it hot. 35 Celsius where I am now. Nice.
16-07-2021, 21:11
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by carstendenmark
I don't see "massive changes", just small ripples on the surface.
Seen in a historic perspective (a few hundred million years).
Doesn't mean that these ripples are induced just by human introduced greenhouse gases. There may something bigger in the game.
I like it hot. 35 Celsius where I am now. Nice.
So you don't actually care if you're wrong or right. OK, but I don't think you should come here to complain that we don't agree with you.
And here's a scrolling exercise for you to do, because thinking is quite hard: https://xkcd.com/1732/
Take care.
17-07-2021, 00:05
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
SuW, some agree to me.
But most are fed by medias every day, heavily biased.
So I might be right, and you may be wrong.
I will not comment your posts again.
May your God and Santa Greta be with you.
17-07-2021, 06:31
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Whilst not a storm as such but a tsunami killed an estimated 40,% of the UK,s population
The area between the UK and Europe now known as the north sea ,was formerly known as " dogger" approximately 8500 years ago a 60ft tsunami came crashing through and killed a great many people
Today I've been out walking in an area called holme Forrest ,there are markers here showing the depth of water at various periods ,the 1839 one would have had me standing under 3ft of water ,then there are various others right up untill the 1990,s
Climatic change is an ongoing process ,it's a natural occurrence , and it's not being helped by human beings
17-07-2021, 06:56
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by laird
Whilst not a storm as such but a tsunami killed an estimated 40,% of the UK,s population
The area between the UK and Europe now known as the north sea ,was formerly known as " dogger" approximately 8500 years ago a 60ft tsunami came crashing through and killed a great many people
Today I've been out walking in an area called holme Forrest ,there are markers here showing the depth of water at various periods ,the 1839 one would have had me standing under 3ft of water ,then there are various others right up untill the 1990,s
Climatic change is an ongoing process ,it's a natural occurrence , and it's not being helped by human beings
A letter to the Sunday Telegraph – 13th December 2015
SIR — It is not surprising that the rivers in Cumbria have flooded again (report December 6), so soon after the last inundation in 2009.
The Environment Agency cites all kinds of reasons for this. However, it neglects to mention that its policy is dictated by the EU Water Framework Directive, adopted 2000, which places constraints on the dredging of rivers.
Putting in flood defences does not infringe the policy, as long as the river is not dredged or embanked. Hence, for example, the erection of expensive and ineffective glass panels on the wall next to the Greta river in Keswick. Here there has beenabsolutely no dredging of the gravel that has raised the river
bed considerably over the last decade.
There is nothing unusual about heavy rainfall in Cumbria; what is unprecedented is the refusal of the authorities to dredge the watercourses to carry it away.
You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...
17-07-2021, 07:34
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by laird
Whilst not a storm as such but a tsunami killed an estimated 40,% of the UK,s population ...
Some 8,000 years ago, a tsunami with a run-up height of up to 25m swept Scottish islands and the coastline at 80mph. It may have been caused by climate change. Could it happen again?
➥ BBC - Earth - The terrifying tsunami that devastated Britain
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
17-07-2021, 07:45
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Re: Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity & Track
Originally Posted by carstendenmark
SuW, some agree to me.
But most are fed by medias every day, heavily biased.
So I might be right, and you may be wrong.
I will not comment your posts again.
May your God and Santa Greta be with you.
I do agree, you may be right and I may be wrong.
I don't think that is the case, though.
Thank you for an illuminating discussion!
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