Hey all,
We're replacing our recently dead 2kW
inverter. We have no need for a large
inverter system so we're looking at a smaller
Victron 750W inverter for way less cake.
Victron Phoenix 12/750 pure sinewave inverter - 120V/60Hz
The question I have is that the
Victron inverter we want has a three-prong AC output that receives a standard 120V
plug. What I'd like to do is run my AC panel off this inverter when we're off
shore power. What's the general consensus on hard-wiring a three prong
plug output into an AC breaker panel (via an AC source selector switch to switch between
shore power and the inverter)? It seems slightly ghetto - which I'm OK with - but I want to make sure it's not dangerous - which I'm not OK with.
Like so:
inverter --> AC source selector switch --> AC breaker panel