Originally Posted by Rick R
Surely you are exaggerating just a little bit. Two days of hard labour to swap out a Multiplus? I removed and reinstalled mine in a little over one hour. But then mine was mounted according to the directions.
No exaggeration.
Mine is mounted in my crawl-in
engine room, where the original Newmar
charger was located. I chose this spot because all the
wiring was already there and there is space enough for it. Also, it is equidistant between the two halves of the
battery bank, which is important for balanced
charging. Other possible locations would have been worse from a lot of different points of view.
The downside is that you have to
lift it into place into a spot your arms can't reach, then get bolts into it and bolt it down, then wire it up, all without really being able to reach or even see.
It took two guys a weekend to do it. I guess the first day wasn't a full day, but the second one was. It was a huge PITA. To even get the
alternator into the general area, we had to remove the
alternator from the main
engine plus a bunch of hoses, then horse it slowly over the engine.
Then we had to use an improvised block and tackle to
lift it into place, then one guy held it and manipulated it while the other guy got the bolts in. We had to improve the bracket, which also took some time.
Then the
wiring. Oh, the wiring! I won't even go into that; the memory is too painful
Needless to say, this is an extremely bad place to have a device which is prone to failure and needs to be taken out.