So... big dummy me didn't take a picture knowing I was about to leave the
boat 3 hours away and now all I have is the
boat broker's pictures to reference. :/
Looks like "Combi 12-1500" but my searching for that pushes me to 12/1500 and all the pictures of those do NOT look like the one on the boat. They all have louvered vents where as this has those Q-Bert blocks (for lack of a better term) on the top and bottom left corners.
Bonus points, any chance this would be able to be converted to run off of 110v vs 220v. It's all eurpean plugs throughout so I'm 99% certain it's expecting 220v and though it's POSSIBLE I'll have 220v at the marina I'm moving it to, I am very suspect of that happening (though, I'm basing this off of absolutely nothing but my guy LOL).
What do you think fellas?