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Old 18-07-2016, 08:34   #1
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Question Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

The port side AC works fine, so there is 120 V shore power.
I have traced the issue as far as somewhere aft of the engine, but
then the wires become harder to trace. Before I start taking off
interior panels and such, I wanted to find out if the issue could
be a circuit breaker, and where the breaker might be located.

Another possible related issue is that the battery charger/junction
for AC DC reads "0" -- the little green light comes on to show that
there is power there. But does the "0" indicate that the batteries are
not charging?

So, the basic questions are:
where/what is the source of AC power loss
why the "0" reading on the battery charger.

The boat is a Pearson 30', 1976.

Your input is very much appreciated.
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Old 18-07-2016, 08:56   #2
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

A lot here, first what does "does not work" mean?
I assume it means does nothing, first thing is take out your trusty multi meter and check for 120 VAC at the power input terminals of the AC unit, most likely you have a box that you open the top of it to access the power input wires, wires for the water pump etc..
If you don't have a multi meter, stop and go buy one, it is a basic tool, one which you will use often.
Life is too short for cheap tools, I prefer a Fluke, about $200. Cheap will work, but you get what you pay for.
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Old 18-07-2016, 09:13   #3
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Thanks for your reply. I am using a multi meter--cheap but it works.
I'll have another look today. As I mentioned in the original post, the port side
has AC power, so I'm looking for the starboard side AC circuit breaker.
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Old 18-07-2016, 10:07   #4
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

CB should be on the panel, if somebody hid one one on you, then they ought to have their arse whopped
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Old 18-07-2016, 10:09   #5
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Hi Sailon,

A lot of questions here and many not clear but I'll do the best I can. By the way I also own a Pearson. Am not specifically familiar with a 30 but assume there will be many similarities.

Originally Posted by Sailon1 View Post
The port side AC works fine, so there is 120 V shore power.
I have traced the issue as far as somewhere aft of the engine, but
then the wires become harder to trace. Before I start taking off
interior panels and such, I wanted to find out if the issue could
be a circuit breaker, and where the breaker might be located.

First by "stbd side AC not working, do you mean the AC outlets where you would plug in some appliance or is there some AC powered device that isn't working? When you trace the issue to somewhere aft of the engine I assume you mean you confirmed the presence of AC power in that area? Is that where AC feeds to the stbd side?

Regarding circuit breakers, doesn't the boat have a main power panel with AC and DC all lead to it? If there isn't a circuit breaker there but somewhere else on the boat then I'm guess that was a DIY bodge from some PO and it could be anywhere. My guess is any AC power breakers will all be on the panel.

Another possible related issue is that the battery charger/junction
for AC DC reads "0" -- the little green light comes on to show that
there is power there. But does the "0" indicate that the batteries are
not charging?

Sorry but not sure what you mean by the charger/junction for AC DC. Can you explain or elaborate on what this junction. Do you mean where AC power connects to the battery charger? Where is the little green light, on the charger or on an electric panel? What brand/model charger do you have? Is it a plain charger or an inverter/charger?

So, the basic questions are:
where/what is the source of AC power loss

Again, unless some weird PO wiring any switches and breakers should all be on the main panel The only sure way to solve this is to track the wiring from the area where you don't have power back to where the AC comes into the boat. There could be a number of causes for loss of electricity. Could be a broken wire, badly corroded wire, loose connection, bad switch or circuit breaker.

why the "0" reading on the battery charger.

What or where is the "0" reading? Are you referring to the charger DC output to the batteries? If yes, then it could be the charger isn't getting power. If the little green light you refer to is on the charger itself, some chargers will show a light when they are connected to a battery so need to clarify what light you're seeing

The boat is a Pearson 30', 1976.

Your input is very much appreciated.
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Old 18-07-2016, 10:10   #6
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
CB should be on the panel, if somebody hid one one on you, then they ought to have their arse whopped
Yep. Only breaker one should hide is one to disable the boat so it can't be stolen.
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Old 18-07-2016, 11:14   #7
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
CB should be on the panel, if somebody hid one one on you, then they ought to have their arse whopped
Boats now have GFI outlets, which someone should have their arse whopped for installing, ESPECIALLY if the GFI outlet is use to protect a bunch of regular outlets downstream. Its no longer enough to check the panel breaker, you have to find and check/reset each GFI outlet.
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Old 18-07-2016, 11:41   #8
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by donradcliffe View Post
Boats now have GFI outlets, which someone should have their arse whopped for installing, ESPECIALLY if the GFI outlet is use to protect a bunch of regular outlets downstream. Its no longer enough to check the panel breaker, you have to find and check/reset each GFI outlet.
Yup, that happened to me once and it turned out the first outlet in the string was a GFI and it was well hidden
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Old 18-07-2016, 19:35   #9
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

It's a sure bet to be a GFCI problem if the power is out on the same side of the boat as the head.
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Old 19-07-2016, 10:42   #10
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
A lot here, first what does "does not work" mean?
I assume it means does nothing, first thing is take out your trusty multi meter and check for 120 VAC at the power input terminals of the AC unit, most likely you have a box that you open the top of it to access the power input wires, wires for the water pump etc..
If you don't have a multi meter, stop and go buy one, it is a basic tool, one which you will use often.
Life is too short for cheap tools, I prefer a Fluke, about $200. Cheap will work, but you get what you pay for.
A Fluke is top of the line. A cheap meter is all that is needed for someone asking this question.
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Old 19-07-2016, 12:12   #11
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

I also a have a 1976 Pearson 30. In mine, there are AC breakers on the starboard side in the locker under the stove. To see them, I had to get down on the floor, poke my head in the locker and look aft and up.

Hope that helps
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Old 19-07-2016, 13:05   #12
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by Cadence View Post
A Fluke is top of the line. A cheap meter is all that is needed for someone asking this question.
I have two Flukes and a handful of el cheapos, including a couple of super cheapos that Harbor Freight occasionally gives away free. Use the cheapos often when the situation doesn't require accurate readings or somewhere where I drop it in the briny deep. If any of the cheapos just had a beep or buzzer for detecting shorts or low resistance I might keep the flukes stored away safely and bring them out only on holidays and special occasions.
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Old 19-07-2016, 14:11   #13
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

OK I have even used a light bulb with two wires soldered to it, but that doesn't make it a decent tool.
I said cheap would work, my experience with cheapie hasn't been good, except radio shack used to make a tiny multimeter that folded, the leads in one side the meter in the other and it fit in the arm pocket of my flight suit, so I always had a meter with me.
Used watch batteries.

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Old 19-07-2016, 20:13   #14
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Originally Posted by a64pilot View Post
OK I have even used a light bulb with two wires soldered to it, but that doesn't make it a decent tool.
I said cheap would work, my experience with cheapie hasn't been good, except radio shack used to make a tiny multimeter that folded, the leads in one side the meter in the other and it fit in the arm pocket of my flight suit, so I always had a meter with me.
Used watch batteries.

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That's exactly what we have. Have for the past 18 years. Still works great.
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Old 22-07-2016, 10:01   #15
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Re: Starboard Side AC not working . . . circuit breakerr issue?

Thanks to you and all other replies. The breaker panel was in plain sight-what confounded me was the GFI which I finally found. Problem solved.
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