Originally Posted by noelex 77
There is an example of a test here:
Another Newby : General Talk
It shows the non MPPT regulator (the PL 20) doing significantly better than the cheap MPPT.
This is not typical, but the gain from good MPPT controllers is only very modest, leading little margin from even brief periods of poor tracking.
But we have no idea in those test of where the VMP point was and even if the panel was capable of operating at Vmp. simple
current comparison s in themselves are not really an indication of anything.
for example , you could have the system operating outside the Vmp point ( because the load cannot use the power) resulting in a larger quiescent
power draw on the mppt type over PWM.
What I was saying is that at with a disparity between Vmp and Vop ( panel output voltage) mppts will always be capable of extracting more power, if the load can use it.
They are almost universal now in things like parking meters etc. ( which is where the OEM modules I have are designed for ) .
As a general comment, I would suggest users look at OEM mppt modules on a per panel basis , then one big overall Mppt on a system basis. better Vmp tracking, better panel matching, redundancy.
Of course this doesn't match some peoples "take it out of a box and use it"