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Old 09-02-2021, 17:40   #151
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

I don't see how the OP did not get his money back. I used to (USED to, key word) sell on eBay, and had about 2k feedback. That represents probably 6,000 to 8,000 individual sales (this was a past business).

I stopped selling on eBay because as a seller, I had no protection or rights and got charged dearly by PayPal and eBay for for the privilege of it. The system was regularly abused by buyers to get their money back, and I never won a SINGLE PayPal dispute.

Buy the completely wrong part for you computer without consulting me, then refuse to send it back and want me to ship a new part to you for free? Just regret buying something and don't want to spend $6 to send it back to me for a refund of the product cost? Boom - 100% refund ripped out of my hands, loss on shipping paid, and my product gone. So glad those days are behind me.

I wonder if the OP's trouble is AU based (different buyer protection laws, so PayPal reacts differently). Sorry about the bum buy.

- AT
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Old 09-02-2021, 19:54   #152
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

I am frequently buying electronics and tools from China via E-Bay and AliBaba. No problems so far and in one case an exceptional service from the manufacturer.

So it is probably not the system. You will find bad apples everywhere.

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Old 09-02-2021, 20:26   #153
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by CarinaPDX View Post
I wrote an addendum while you were writing, so take note.

Also our barley - Chinese beer won't be as good though...

After reading your addendum, I still concur although I would suggest we have been more of a puppet than you think. Maybe you haven't kept up to speed with Deputy Dutton and his cronies .
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangereous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. T.E. Lawrence
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Old 09-02-2021, 20:32   #154
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by Atcowboy View Post
I don't see how the OP did not get his money back. I used to (USED to, key word) sell on eBay, and had about 2k feedback. That represents probably 6,000 to 8,000 individual sales (this was a past business).

I stopped selling on eBay because as a seller, I had no protection or rights and got charged dearly by PayPal and eBay for for the privilege of it. The system was regularly abused by buyers to get their money back, and I never won a SINGLE PayPal dispute.

Buy the completely wrong part for you computer without consulting me, then refuse to send it back and want me to ship a new part to you for free? Just regret buying something and don't want to spend $6 to send it back to me for a refund of the product cost? Boom - 100% refund ripped out of my hands, loss on shipping paid, and my product gone. So glad those days are behind me.

I wonder if the OP's trouble is AU based (different buyer protection laws, so PayPal reacts differently). Sorry about the bum buy.

- AT

You are not Robinson Crusoe! (Plenty of fraudulent buyers around too!)

Of course Consumer Laws would vary from country to country. I just read the other day that PayPal are trying to make their contractual terms consistent globally.

As far as Australian eBay buyers are concerned if we buy overseas Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is not much help. eBay has helped me a number of times and when I asked for help from PayPal they were as useful as a hip pocket in a singlet.

Is the seller bound by Australian Consumer Law? Have a look at this and I think you will agree that someone overseas who has goods stored in Australia and pays people to distribute the goods is conducting a business in Australia and therefore is subject to ACL. (Valve Corporation v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2017] FCAFC 224)
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Old 09-02-2021, 21:18   #155
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by coopec43 View Post
You are not Robinson Crusoe! (Plenty of fraudulent buyers around too!)

Of course Consumer Laws would vary from country to country. I just read the other day that PayPal are trying to make their contractual terms consistent globally.

As far as Australian eBay buyers are concerned if we buy overseas Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is not much help. eBay has helped me a number of times and when I asked for help from PayPal they were as useful as a hip pocket in a singlet.

Is the seller bound by Australian Consumer Law? Have a look at this and I think you will agree that someone overseas who has goods stored in Australia and pays people to distribute the goods is conducting a business in Australia and therefore is subject to ACL. (Valve Corporation v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2017] FCAFC 224)
How much Aussie slang can you fit in one reply! Lol.

I found a couple definitions of singlet. To you is it an undershirt with no sleeves (we call it a wife beater because America is classy) or is it what a wrestler would wear (which I'd call a unitard).

- AT
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Old 09-02-2021, 21:49   #156
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by Atcowboy View Post
How much Aussie slang can you fit in one reply! Lol.

I found a couple definitions of singlet. To you is it an undershirt with no sleeves (we call it a wife beater because America is classy) or is it what a wrestler would wear (which I'd call a unitard).

- AT

I have noticed you guys call them "undershirts" or something like that. In Australia we would say this guy is wearing a singlet and underpants.

Depending on style, men's underpants can be also called boxers or briefs. (Never hear of a unitard???)

In Australia we would (apparently) say a wrestler wears a "Men's Jockstrap wresling singlet" (Could have fooled me!)

Right now I'm off to cut some "Laminex" (Formica? in the USA) so wish me luck.

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Old 09-02-2021, 22:46   #157
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by coopec43 View Post
I have noticed you guys call them "undershirts" or something like that. In Australia we would say this guy is wearing a singlet and underpants.

Depending on style, men's underpants can be also called boxers or briefs. (Never hear of a unitard???)

In Australia we would (apparently) say a wrestler wears a "Men's Jockstrap wresling singlet" (Could have fooled me!)

Right now I'm off to cut some "Laminex" (Formica? in the USA) so wish me luck.

The amazon link I would call I unitard (all one piece) but if I search for that, the results aren't very consistent.

The image is of a man in a wife beater wearing (wait for it) boxer briefs! Briefs (whitey tighties!) have no "legs" and boxers have no hammock. But if you kinda mash em together, it's boxer briefs! lol.

- AT
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Old 13-02-2021, 19:16   #158
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

I'm stuffed if I know how this eBay works. I just did a search on Hitachi battery 18V and got this listing. Why US Sellers? Where are Australian sellers? (I am logged in correctly)

A few days ago all I could get was Australian sellers.(I'm sure I haven't changed any settings)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2021-02-14 Hitachi battery 18V 5AH eBay.png
Views:	55
Size:	214.2 KB
ID:	232489   Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2021-02-14 Hitachi battery 18V 5AH eBay(1).png
Views:	56
Size:	373.4 KB
ID:	232490  

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Old 13-02-2021, 21:23   #159
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by coopec43 View Post
I'm stuffed if I know how this eBay works. I just did a search on Hitachi battery 18V and got this listing. Why US Sellers? Where are Australian sellers? (I am logged in correctly)

A few days ago all I could get was Australian sellers.(I'm sure I haven't changed any settings)
Check your item location again.

Click image for larger version

Name:	<a title=Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 3.22.37 pm.jpg Views: 44 Size: 392.3 KB ID: 232494" style="margin: 2px" />
Fair winds,
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Old 13-02-2021, 21:28   #160
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by coopec43 View Post
I'm stuffed if I know how this eBay works. I just did a search on Hitachi battery 18V and got this listing. Why US Sellers? Where are Australian sellers? (I am logged in correctly)

A few days ago all I could get was Australian sellers.(I'm sure I haven't changed any settings)
And assuming you're not using a VPN....
Fair winds,
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Old 13-02-2021, 21:37   #161
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

I don't know what this problem is about, but generally it is about manipulating the customer. Remember how you used to be able to search Amazon with a few well-chosen words and find exactly what you were looking for but now you get pages of garbage? It is not an accident; either they are throwing things at you that they think you might buy (not necessarily what you are seeking) or they are showing products that have paid for a search term (even though they don't meet all of the criteria). And of course the default order is usually "Featured" or "Most Relevant", often meaning products that have paid to be at the top. These days I search using DuckDuckGo (never Google) and look for listings that aren't Amazon or eBay - which often don't exist. If we don't start working with a diversity of sellers we are going to be stuck with these two.

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Old 13-02-2021, 21:40   #162
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by hzcruiser View Post
And assuming you're not using a VPN....
No. I'm not.

I just did another search and it is back to normal- All Australian based sellers (Maybe they were doing maintenance or something?)
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Old 13-02-2021, 21:52   #163
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

Originally Posted by CarinaPDX View Post
I don't know what this problem is about, but generally it is about manipulating the customer. Remember how you used to be able to search Amazon with a few well-chosen words and find exactly what you were looking for but now you get pages of garbage? It is not an accident; either they are throwing things at you that they think you might buy (not necessarily what you are seeking) or they are showing products that have paid for a search term (even though they don't meet all of the criteria). And of course the default order is usually "Featured" or "Most Relevant", often meaning products that have paid to be at the top. These days I search using DuckDuckGo (never Google) and look for listings that aren't Amazon or eBay - which often don't exist. If we don't start working with a diversity of sellers we are going to be stuck with these two.


I agree with you 100%. I did a google search on Mt Kilimanjaro and the next week or so I had emails from a number of African tour operators.

I read just last week that it is a good idea to clear "cookies" often and I am now doing that. I also use DDG and I am now trying to buy direct from the supplier wherever I can and have a number of their sites bookmarked.

Why it’s a good idea to clear Cookies on your Browser

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Old 14-02-2021, 14:47   #164
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Re: Once caught twice shy - be careful

go to, then select "australia only"
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