If height in the battery compartment allows, I would go with two 6-volt golf cart batteries (Duracell) wired so they become one 12-volt battery.
They cost about $100 each at Sam's Club and will provide 225 amp hours. Tough as hell, as long as you add
water once in a while. Much better than the "dual-purpose" batteries most places sell -- and much less expensive.
You can find
wiring diagrams on the web, but basically you connect one cable to a positive on one battery and negative on the other. The remaining posts become your positive and negative posts.
You can pay twice as much and get Trojan, but I don't think the extra
price reflects added value. The Trojans are a little better, but not that much.
If you're paranoid about batteries, you can add a start battery somewhere else in the boat. But it's not really necessary. TowboatUS or Seatow will give you a jump in a fix.