Get a
cheap ammeter ($20 Amazon) and a hydrometer ($15 auto
parts store). Make sure there is some load that you can apply that can be varied, a 25w halogen light in a dimmer would be perfect. Find out what the various loads on the
boat draw in amps. Fans at different speeds would be good too.
Fully charge the batteries. Check voltage for the battery and specific gravity for each cell.
Record values.
Turn on loads for 18amps (that’s 4% of capacity). After 10min
record voltage.
Continues drawing at 18a for about 2hr. Use the dimmer to maintain the draw at 18a. It will vary over time so check it every 5-10min and adjust.
With 37amp-hr discharged record voltage then up the draw to 27amps. After 13m20s you should be at 43amp-he discharges so record voltage and drop load to 9amps. After another 13m20s you should be at 45a-hr discharged, record voltage and turn off ALL loads. Wait 1-2hr then record resting voltage and specific gravity for each cell.
Continue at 18a draw until you get to 82a-hr out then repeat the previous cycle.
After 5 cycles you should be at about 50% SoC.
You will now have enough data to draw 5 curves:
4 for voltage vs SoC for 0C, .02C, .04C, .06C
1 curve for SpGrav vs SoC.
Use Excel to plot the data and draw trend lines.
With this you can check amps being drawn and voltage and make an educated guess as to state of charge.