Originally Posted by Oceanride007
Thanks Matt. Around 12.6 Volts. Should have mentioned that.
Actually I anticipate your next comment, am now going to separate the Brown wire from the field. See what I get.
Ahh... is this the 12.5V mentioned earlier?
If you are getting 12.5V on the D+ terminal of the RE57 but getting 15V at the
battery then there is a fault in the
wiring between the D+ terminal and the key switch. There is 2.5V dropped somewhere. A drop of say 0.1V is acceptable but nothing greater than 0.2V.
To test, run a wire directly from the D+ terminal of the RE57 to the
battery +ve post. If the output voltage is now regulated to around 14.4 or less, then the
wiring at the D+ terminal of the RE57 is faulty.
If the output voltage stays at 15V, then the RE57 is faulty or it is connected to the alternator incorrectly.