Not familiar with this part number, but fabricating something in this case is extremely easy. In electronic
parts shop ask for a high brightness, wide angle red LED in a diffuser body (i.e not plain clear but 'milky'). Ask for nominal
current of this LED (typical
parts from signalling range will be rated @ 20mA or 30mA) and a forward voltage of this LED at nominal
current (will be around 2.4 V). Knowing this, calculate resistance value to place in series with diode.
Assuming highest voltage on board to be 14.4V and nominal diode voltage 2.4V at 20mA current:
resistance = (14.4V - 2.4V) / 0.02A = 600 Ohm. Nearest standard value is 610 Ohm.
Power dissipated across this resistor will be (14.4-2.4)V * 0.02A = 0.24W. Pick a 0.5W variant for
safety margin.
If a
single LED will not cut it, connect more in series, modifying resistance accordingly.
If something is not clear, ask. I'll try to explain