Originally Posted by chala
I agree and I would ad: transformer to the list. (This ground protects against failures of the shorepower cord or inlet,) and transformer. Fine Not recommended will defeat the purpose of having an Isolation Transformer. The above is more about galvanic corrosion and as little to do with a correctly wired Isolation Transformer. It is rare to see a boat connected to shore power with its anchor deployed. I have a metal boat in which it would be very difficult to effectively isolate the chain from the metal hull. In the many years that I have been sailing this and a previous metal boat, I never had problem as described above.
It's apparently hard to understand, so let me try again: anchor is buried in the seabed, which is ground, connects to chain which connects to
windlass. Now, if
windlass is bonded, it connects to a
bronze plate which is submerged in the
water which is ground. This is the circuit and shore
power is not needed for it.
Key to understanding this problem, is that the potential of ground in the seabed is different than the potential of ground at the
bronze plate. This is why a
current flows and chain is eaten away.
I know it has nothing to do with an IT. Who cares, better remember and make sure it doesn't happen to you too! I have seen two
boats with the problem; one had a brand new 12mm
stainless steel chain that
lost 8mm in 3 weeks!