Getting ready to put my
3GM30 in to the
boat and was checking everything over and something I discovered has thrown me for a loop.
alternator is a Hitachi LR155 unit, 55 amps. The usual Batt & E connections and the Molex connector for LR.
What has thrown me is that there is a white wire coming out of what looks like a vent slot that is not connected to anything. Not even a connector on the end of the wire.
What is the world is this? I spent a lot of time today searching here and on the
internet at-large but find nothing about this.
Can someone educate me on this wire. Should it be connected to something and the connector has just missing?
engine was rebuilt last year by a
Yanmar dealer/repair shop but sad to say the owner past away so I can't go back to ask there.
Posted a picture of the wire. It looks gray but that is overspray when the
engine was painted. It is white. It is the wire hanging across the
oil filter.