We do about 5-6 holding plate recycle
project a month these days and all of them once started their lives as either
engine driven or 120v AC
compressor units. Back in the day before the advent of efficient 12v compressors if you wanted Cold
Beer and Ice Cream it was a pricey and complicated proposition! In fact that's the type of system Technautics started building back in 1968, but we haven't built an
engine driven or big AC system in about 20yrs now (except for the larger sports
fisher boat who always have a
generator or
shore power plugged in). For cruising
boat, 12v DC is the way to go and then you can have the debate about evaporation plates vs eutectic holding plates.
So if you already have plates custom made for your Box, you could retrofit the
compressor and have one DC unit running the two holding plates in your
freezer box and one DC compressor running the
single holding plate in your
refrigerator box.