My ProMariner monitored 30 ProSafe1
monitor system has died. I spoke with their
service department and they simply said its obsolete, buy a "Fail Safe" unit. The GI tests good with a diode tester.
So maybe I am missing something here. If I buy a "Fail Safe" unit and it "Fails" I will never know it. So while my ground to shore will be intact, I will not have any galvanic protection.
So to know it is alive and well, I would have to disconnect the shorepower, crawl back into the stern of the
boat (NOT easy) to my GI, disconnect both sides of the GI and test it with a diode tester. Is that right?
And to top it all off, I have a 1-1/4" hole in my
teak panel that needs to be covered. Anyone want to sell their old ProSafe1 30