Pretty much all of the Chinese heater are knockoffs of the Espar, and they all seem to be compatible with the many Chinese heater control
I have not tried it, but would think the odds are pretty good that the knockoff controllers would work with the genuine Espar heater. Not a huge investment to find out.
I have
this one (on a knockoff heater), it does the job. If you leave the electricity on to it all the time the
screen will fade and not last much more than 6 months or so, otherwise it seems OK.
Go to your favorite online seller and search "parking heater controller", there are lots of options, some more basic than others, some that specify they work with the genuine deal. Check the shape of the connector in the photos, the knockoffs generally use a triangular 3-pin connector, the Espar may use a square connector, both styles available for < $25.