Originally Posted by rapanui 2
thank you for your feedback.
I said above 2x 12V 3000W for 4500Euro, means 1 is around the 2250Euro price you posted. UVP list price is 2580Euro in
Germany incl. VAT.
The Kärcher K4 has 1800W and with start surge it is around 2600W, so yes a Victron 3KW can handle that. Do you use if for the
DIY watermaker?
I considered a 5kw is because of my induction cooktop, a CT3420 Rommelsbach., which has 2 burner with 3400W. One with 2000W, the other 1400W. And a Microwave, steamer, convection
oven which has max 1300W.
Have both at home now and trying it out for the
boat with a power meter attached. So both burners on 9 of 10 uses max. 2600W, only both on 10 exceed the 3000W. I figured I don't need level 10, even on 8 1l
water kettle boils super quick and on level 10 it boils 10 sek faster then on level 8. Both burners on 8 need 2100W plus the microwave/oven on 150degrees (to cook a piece of meat) need 800W which is below 3kw. yes I know 2600W permanent is limit on the 3kw victron. and I won't use both burners on 8 plus
oven at the same time.
So a 3kw inverter will be sufficent. Also all others data of the 3kw will fit too.
Ok I cannot run the
washing machine in parallel too.
Was on the
boat last days and went through the
electric again in detail. in fact not too much to change for a 12V Lithum bank too as the bowtruster with its 425A load was on the housebank, so moving that to the starter frees enough amps on the cables/busbars/fuses/switches to run a 3kW inverter.
That would leave me with the option to stay 12V and take 4 Winston cells 400AH or 700AH, so I don't need to rewire some of the 12V
installation on the boat. Would love the valence too, great lifepo batteries but nobody ships them (used ones) to
europe (in my case to gran canaries).
But as all wrote better not to max the inverter out.....