The following statements fly in the face of “conventional wisdom”, and may prove controversial. I will appreciate, and will be pleased to incorporate into a revised report, any critical discussion. Please forward your comments to:
Most authorities recommend “only” discharging deep cycle
batteries down to 50% of capacity at most, further suggesting that “less is better”. Not necessarily so !!! The following chart, depicting the performance of Trojan Deep Cycle Lead Acid
batteries, suggests that a 40% discharge is optimal, and discharge levels between 50% & 80% are better than 30% or less discharge depths.
At 10% Discharge - 6,200 Life Cycles - Provides 62,000 Lifetime Amp/Hours
At 30 % - 4,400 Cycles - 132,000 Litetime A/H
At 40% - 3,700 Cycles - 148,000 Lifetime A/H
At 80% - 1,700 Cycles - 136,000 Lifetime A/H
~~ I could not format the full chart to this
posting - I could fax a copy to anyone requesting ~~
How can this be? Well, the previously cited “authorities” were really commenting on the number of times you could recharge your
battery (life cycles), and not the total amount of energy it could deliver over it’s lifetime. Let me suggest that battery “value” is represented by the total Lifetime Amp-Hours it will deliver; not the number of times you can (have to) recharge it. As the above chart indicates, the increased number of life cycles at lower depths of discharge, do not compensate for the increased Amp-Hours available from deeper discharges.
Gord May