Originally Posted by newbie-
I've thought about eliminating the genset battery. It would get shed some weight too. But it's nice to have the genset start and charge everything if both house and engine got drained somehow. I.E. Someone forgot to shut off the crossover.
Unless you have an absolutely perfect memory and never, ever make a mistake the manual switch to isolate the house and engine starting batteries will sooner or later leave you dead in the
water. Been there, done that.
It is very, very easy to eliminate that and make the system completely fool (and idiot) proof.
Run all charging sources to the house battery. That means the engine alternator, shore powered battery charger (you only need a one bank charger),
solar if you have it, etc. Then buy one of the very reliable and inexpensive automatic battery combiners. I have the one made by Yandina but most of the
marine electronic companies make a version.
Hook the auto combiner between the house and start batteries. Then anytime the house battery is being charged from any source, the auto combiner also sends charge to the engine starting battery. When you turn off the engine or disconnect the
shore power the staring battery is automatically disconnected from the house battery so will be charged and have no risk of being discharged nor does anyone have to remember to turn the switch.