Do you know what the dimensions are of the Raritanbatterycharger? Is it a Raritan Crown B II Series charger? I would like to know the Width (Including Mounting Feet), Height, and Depth.
Thank you
I will be at the boat tomorrow and can check if you still need them . i believe it is a crown b II . will try and verify that as well. been a long time since I looked at it.
Do you know what the dimensions are of the Raritan battery charger? Is it a Raritan Crown B II Series charger? I would like to know the Width (Including Mounting Feet), Height, and Depth.
Thank you
I drove into the lazarette and grabbed some dimensions. I couldn't verify which charger I have because its build into a wooden cabinet covering the model label but I believe it's the Raritan Crown charger not the Crown II or II B. if it helps the dimensions are 12.5 w x 8 depth x 9.25 height.