Still trying to sort out the Alt-Belt kit on my
Yanmar 3GM30f.
Simple enough kit. Had an issue with the tension (see thread: )
Had the
Balmar 100 amp
alternator rebuilt, as the bearings sounded a bit crunchy. Put it back, the
engine sounds a lot better. there was still a chirp and very slight squeal still.
I tore into it that it is
on the hard.
I put a straight edge on the edge of the pulleys. the
alternator and
water pump were within a hair thickness. Pretty good.
I noticed the Alt Belt pulley cover for the crank was not seated properly. Possibly some rust of something made it not sit square.. Cleaned up the crank pulley, and put the alt belt pulley back on. now seats nicely.
I put a straight edge between the crank and the
water pump. The crank measured about 4 mm proud of the
water pump pulley plane. They were parallel but out 4 mm.
THEN, like divine intervention, I remembered from
MarineHowTo to measure from a grove (not the edge of the pulley) to the straight edge! The thickness of the crank was thicker!
Measuring from the same grove, to the straight edge, now showed the crank out just under 1mm (about .85mm or so)... A lot better now that I measured properly!
With the alternator and water pump being pretty damn close to perfect alignment, and the crank about 1mm parallel, but forward, of the other pulleys... Is 1mm difference close enough for the 10 groove belt?
Or should I shim out the water pump and alternator to get it all on the same plane ?