Originally Posted by TheThunderbird
48V concern you are afraid of is about SWITCHING current, not the wire per se
There is a recent post about 48V pro/cons.
Shortly, it may make sense if you have a few kW of solar installation capacity
Go Victron, any local dealer will help you.(NL)
Thanks, yes seems Victron is the right answer.
Regarding 48v, no, wrong assumption.
What I would be afraid of at 48v is that a wire might chafe somewhere over the years and create all sort of dangers.
48v can be letal. Still that's not the point of this thread. I am not interested at all to convert fully to 48v.
Are the
panels you installed industrial/commercial sized large
panels? How do they keep up from the physical side? Any issues with flexing?
We have a fairly solid arch, so I hope these will be non issues for us.