When we renamed ours to Fuzzy Logic we used Champaign (rum is interesting too!) and the following:
"In the name of all who have sailed aboard this ship in the past, and in the name of all who may sail aboard her in the future, we invoke the ancient gods of the
wind and the sea to favor us with their blessings today.
We ask our witnesses; do you attest to the resolve of her crew to sail her kindly, to attend to her needs and to respect the seas, the currents and the winds?
Everyone says in their heartiest voice, “Aye!”
"Mighty Neptune, king of all that moves in or on the waves; and mighty Aeolus, guardian of the winds and all that blows before them:
"We offer you our thanks for the protection you have afforded this vessel in the past. We voice our gratitude that she has always found shelter from tempest and storm and enjoyed safe
passage to port.
"Now, wherefore, we submit this supplication, that the name whereby this vessel has hitherto been known “Big Easy”, be struck and removed from your records.
"Further, we ask that when she is again presented for blessing with another name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the selfsame privileges she previously enjoyed.
"In return for which, we rededicate this vessel to your domain in full knowledge that she shall be subject as always to the immutable laws of the gods of the
wind and the sea.
"In consequence whereof, and in good faith, we seal this pact with a libation offered according to the hallowed ritual of the sea."
We now pour drinks for everyone * don’t drink yet!
"For thousands of years, we have gone to sea. We have crafted vessels to carry us and we have called them by name. These ships will nurture and care for us through perilous seas, and so we affectionately call them "she." To them we toast, and ask to celebrate Fuzzy Logic."
Everybody raises their glass and says loudly:
"TO THE SAILORS OF OLD…TO FUZZY LOGIC" Everybody takes a sip.
"The moods of the sea are many, from tranquil to violent. We ask that this ship be given the strength to carry on. The
keel is strong and she keeps out the pressures of the sea."
Again the glasses are raised, and everybody shouts, "TO THE SEA...TO THE SAILORS OF OLD...TO THE SEA!" Everybody takes another sip.
"Today we come to name this lady Fuzzy Logic, and send her to sea to be cared for, and to care for all who sail aboard her on this great inland sea. We honor her with the name of an old salt; a man of letters, a philosopher, a theologian, sailor.
We now raise the Lake Monroe Sailing Association and Cowan Lake Sailing Association burgees in tribute to the home port of Fuzzy Logic and in memory of William “Fuzzy Logic” Duffy.
“We ask the sailors of old and the mood of God that is the sea to accept Fuzzy Logic as her name, to help her through her passages, and allow her to return with her crew safely."
Again, raise glasses and shout,
A last, long sip by all.
We now pour champagne over the bow to appease King Neptune, and lay a branch of green leaves on the
deck to ensure safe returns.