Coppercoat applied now for one year, Melbourne Vic
Australia. Most
boats here get one year from anti foul, some make it to 2.
Application is easy ish, but vital to follow the simple instructions that many have already commented on.
hull was completely media blasted to remove 7 years of unhnown Layers of anti foul. So an excellent surface. It was wiped down several times with IPA. note that there are various strengths of ipa out there, so worth while getting the strongest, not the local
hardware store watered down variety.
Second point not mentioned is temperature when applying. I think it should go not below 10c at night, but check that.
Of course it rained the weekend after mine was applied, we got nearly 18-2& hrs of drying. There were a few water dribble runs, that were ok, so a bit lucky. Spring
weather in Melbourne is a lottery.
Mine was sprayed on, is pretty smooth. It was burnished twice with the brown soft scotchbrite pads. Only
epoxy comes off an$ it’s super important that the final finish is Matt. This means no glossy bits. If you roller that’s harder to achieve, but the soft pads do confirm more to the surface, where sand paper goes over the valleys.
photo above doesn’t look properly burnished to me.
My opinion is that it’s not the best anti foul, but it lasts a long time, you don’t ablate toxic antifoul every where and after 4-5 years you’re ahead in cost.
If you’re cruising and find it difficult to
haul out, then it’s a grea5 product. I still
lift every year for stern drive
service and anodes.
Inone year I had it cleaned / dived on once, a little slime on the sunny side at water line just wiped off when running. A harder, growth, like a very thin mould, needed a good scrub, came off easy with the pressure wash.
The marina up the bay from us has now banned hull
cleaning in the marina an$ I see this becoming the norm.
Boat was serviced in Sept, still does same top speed 3 months later. Props ( with propspeed) had some growth that blew off with speed, so for us, it seems to be working. Not used much in my location, I think the
marinas want to keep their yearly antifoul business ticking over....