I think some of you might find this amusing and can no doubt relate. So, I did all my
research, planning, costing and even drawing and got home from
work (I
work away for weeks on end and get more
research done there than at home) to excitedly show the Mrs our new
solar install I've poured hours into and guess what? She "hates" it.
Typical! So after lots of calm adult discussion (yeah right) we come to a compromise by which I mean I'm not not allowed a solar tower off the stern of the flybridge in any way shape or form!
Back to the drawing board then.
I am allowed the "nice looking" flexible panels however and I am even allowed to place them in all the out of the way areas, you know the ones, the ones in the shade! So I have to make the most of the available
deck space on the flybridge and on top of the
bimini to fit as many panels as I can. Our good friends from Pascal's Wager (L450s) have kindly allowed me to climb all over their boat this morning with a tape measure to try and best figure this out.
I think I can just squeeze 1000w in and will keep all the electronic items the same apart from I can use smaller
mppt controllers. I've done a drawing which isn't finished yet but if anyone could edit and help out with whatever errors I have made so far, I'll re edit and post the final copy for others to follow.