Originally Posted by barnakiel
How do you fuse a sheet on a spinnaker when you sail a cat ddw?
My guess is that the majority of folks don't know how to fuse a sail (hell, I'm out of practice). As well as the fact that
fuses on
sails typically imply some pretty high standard working loads on the sail to begin with. And I know that that's not something which most CF members are up for doing with spinnakers. Running them with such loads I mean, as usually those kinds of loads are measured in tons.
That said, it's possible to fuse the spinnaker's tack, which is more of the norm anyway. In terms of fuse placement. If, that is, by fuse you're referring to a loop or other piece of cordage designed to break, loudly, at a certain load. So that when the crew hears it blow, they know it's time to take the sail down. Since the blowing of the fuse is a signal that the sail is approaching the load limit which you don't want to exceed with it.
And then there's the multi-fuse trick...