My drain hoses are open and I have
bilge alarms installed. I have thought about having selinoid shut off that can be actuated from the
salon but for me it is just another thing to maintain.
For the people that wonder what the heck we are taking about,
On most
Lagoon Catamarans the bow compartment and the rear engine compartment are plumbed with a hose from said compartment to the small bilge in the Center of each
On the end of the hose from the compartments there is a shut off valve that will seal the compartment if the area is compromised.
The function is to allow the area to drain and gives you a chance to seal if needed, a good idea if you know it's there and an option.
Further our Catamarans have
escape hatches on the underside in the form of Windows, these windows either manually open and can be left open allowing the sea to flow in or in my case are fixed closed and rely on a hammer ( supplied) to break if needed.
Most owners of these
boats, me included, think that these escape hatches were open and they sailed away. On the 440 you sail from the fly bridge, 2 floors up and with no experience on how the
boat sails it could fill very quickly. New Lagoons do not have the hatches that open .
If the boat was a rental it would be easy to say goodbye to the craft as it filled, if it was mine and a mistake was made you would take much different choices to save her.
Hope that clears things up.
I looked in my files for a picture of the bilge to help but found nothing. I am not on my boat right now so perhaps a fellow Lagoon owner can post, if not I will get back tonight and follow up.
For now have a look at this.
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